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"Hey, do you wanna meet my friends?"

Baji asked me that out of the blue on a Saturday evening when I was bored out of my mind and came over to his place to hang out.

"Uhh... sure."

I'm really nervous when it comes to meeting new people, but Baji's friends must be good guys too. And this was my chance to make more friends.

He told me to meet me at the bottom of his apartment building at night, so I put on a hoodie and waited there, but I did not expect to see that boy pull up with some sort of uniform and motorcycle.

"Get on."


"We're going for a ride."

Nervousness gets a hold of you sometimes, and in this case, it was holding on really firmly. Me? Sitting behind a boy on his bike? 'I don't think I can do that...' I told myself, but I managed to. Oh gosh...

"Hold on tight."

I was swearing curse words in my mind repeatedly as I wrapped my arms slowly around Baji, and then tightly held onto him after the bike picked up speed and starting moving.

It was really embarrassing holding on to a boy like this for dear life, but I was so scared of the thought of falling off. I knew we were probably not going that fast, but it felt like it.

Oh my goodness there's no seatbelts on these bikes. That means I'm really going to die if I fall off.


We soon arrived in an area crowded with a bunch of other dudes in the uniform Baji wore, and they filled the area with chatter. Were there about a hundred of them here?! I thought Baji meant a few of his friends, not a whole organization!

"Kenchin, go get me some taiyaki."

"Hah?! No way, get it yourself."

"Look! Baji-kun's here!"

"He's late..."

"Huh? Who's that?"

I hid behind Baji as we walked over to 4 other boys in one area of the place. He was taller and bigger than me, but I guess I was still noticeable.

"Don't mind her, she's just tagging along," Baji told them.

"Baji-kun, how could you not tell me you had a girlfriend?!" A boy with long blonde hair tied at the top said. I knew his friends would make this mistake, though I wish I was his girlfriend. Wait what did I just -

"Don't get the wrong idea. We're just friends. Now say hi to y/n."


"Shut up, Pah-chin. Don't mind him, y/n. I'm Mitsuya," a boy with short purple hair said. I waved a little as I admired his cross earring on his left ear.

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