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"Did you not hear me? I said the boys want to hang out with you in the afternoon on the grassy hill," I repeated.

"I heard what you said it's just... hang out with me?" Y/n nervously laughed. "Why?"

"I dunno, I guess they like you."


I sighed. "Is it really that much of a surprise? When I took you to meet them for the first time, they thought you were really chill and fun."

The girl opened her mouth to say something, but pursed her lips back together. I closed my eyes as I laid back on the bed with my hands behind my head.

"Are you going to hang out with us, too?" she asked.

"Hell yeah. My friends are my life."

I opened my eyes to see y/n's expression soften, and she looked down at her wrist and took off the hair tie she always wore. "Here, Baji-kun. I heard you mumbling about a broken hair tie a few days ago, so you can have mine. And don't worry, I have other hair ties so it's not like this is the only one I have."

I stared at her blankly for a moment, before sitting up and taking the black hair tie, grinning with my mischievous smile. "Thanks." I ruffled up her hair which made it messy. "I'll be taking you there by the way."

We hung out together a bit more in her room, but soon I had to go. When I reached the ground outside the apartment building, I looked up to the apartment balcony to see y/n standing there, looking at me, so I waved, her hair tie on my wrist. She seemed to freak out a little, but managed to wave back with a smile.

Ha, cute.


"I got dorayaki for all of you guys." Y/n held up a plastic bag filled with dorayaki treats she bought from the convenience store.

"AHHH Y/N-CHAN YOU'RE THE BEST!!" Mikey ran to her and engulfed her in a hug, before instantly grabbing a dorayaki and taking it out of the packaging. He proceeded to happily munch on it like a kid.

"Pah-chin can't make it today," Draken informed us. "But Mitsuya's coming and bringing Hakkai."

"Chifuyu should be here already... That idiot," I mumbled.

"I'm hurt that you called me an idiot." I turned around to see Chifuyu with his hands in his pockets. "Yo. You're Baji's girlfriend, right? I'm Chifuyu Matsuno," he smiled cheerfully.

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