12 | Before it's Too Late

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DIANA stood in front of the lift, that Bruce and Barry were descending on, with her arms crossed

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DIANA stood in front of the lift, that Bruce and Barry were descending on, with her arms crossed.

Barry leaned towards Bruce's ear. "Is that Jessica?"

"No." Bruce answered.

"Woah, if she's pretty, I wonder how pretty Jess is." When Bruce shot Barry a look, the 23-year-old gulped. "Now's a good time to tell you I don't take social cues really well."

Bruce resisted the urge to shake his head, instead, he gave Barry a reassuring, awkward, smile. "It's okay. We'll work on that."

"Oh, my goodness." Barry said in awe, jumping the topic, looking around the airport in wonder.

Bruce looked at Diana. "Where's the cyborg?"

The warrior princess rolled her eyes at Bruce's lack of manners. "His name is Victor. We met and spoke." Bruce gave a frustrated sigh. "Give him time." She reassured.

When Diana caught sight of Barry staring at her with the widest smile, she held her hand out for him to shake, a welcoming smile on her red lips. "You must be Barry. I'm Diana."

While shaking her hand, Barry felt his heartbeat faster. "Hi, Barry, I'm Diana." He paused, replaying what he said in his head. "That's not right..." He sighed. "Great."

Bruce shook his head for what felt like the millionth time. "Where's Jess?"

Diana felt herself exhale through her nose before looking away. "I lost her."

"What do you mean you lost her?"

"What I mean is, I took her with me to go see Victor. It didn't particularly go the way I planned it to, she panicked thinking it was her fault, and walked off." She explained while Barry occupied himself with looking at the stars in the sky.

"She could be anywhere in the city; you should have kept her in the cave." Bruce growled.

"And have her do what? Sit there idly until you come to rescue her?" Diana asked with a raised brow. The Batman ran a hand over his face with a groan. "She hasn't left the cave in days, what did you expect me to do?"

Bruce went to further argue with Diana but stopped once Barry gasped. "Oh! Awesome!"

"Oh great." Bruce grumbled.

"It's the Bat-Signal. That's your..." Barry slapped his hand over his mouth, his smile still under his hand. "Oh, sorry." More softly, Barry continued. "That's your signal. That means we have to go now."

Bruce nodded his head. "Yeah, that's what that means but he's gonna have to wait."

"It's so cool."


JESSICA leaned against a lamppost, waiting for her cab to arrive.

She was confused about what was taking so long. It was the middle of the night, no one liked to be out at this time of night in Gotham anyway. Out the corner of her eye, in the reflection of a parked car, she saw a red light dimly beaming off the window in the alley behind her. "I suppose the reason why my cab is late is because of you?" Jess asked into the air. "I know you're there; you can come out."

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