Part 12

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Brianna pov

This headache I woke up with was worse than a hangover.

I opened my eyes and winced a little as I was blinded by the light on the ceiling. I didn't recognise the room and I started to wonder where the hell I was.

And what the hell was going on.

I groaned in pain and I sat up a little. I blinked rapidly adjusting my eyes and I saw Thea and Hiro looking at me, relieved.

Thea's eyes were a little red and she looked as if she had been crying. I saw something move from the corner of my eye and I turned to see Mattia, standing at the back corner of the small room I was in.

They all looked so happy to see me awake.

" what the hell happened?" I asked. I rubbed my head a little trying to remember the events of last night.

" you were drugged," Thea told me, and she looked angry, " that dick fucking drugged you. He's lucky he was passed out on the floor otherwise I would've killed-"

" alright Thea calm down," Hiro said putting his hands on her shoulders, reassuring her. She looked at his hand and he quickly removed it.

It all started to comeback to me slowly and I remembered small bits of what happened before I blacked out.

" and then what happened?" I asked.

" well my phone started to ring, and when I saw that it was you calling me I felt as if something were wrong. So I grabbed Thea and her and I rushed to the bathroom to find you." Hiro told me.

Funny. I don't remember calling anyone.

" we came in and saw you passed out on the floor. There was this guy crouching down on the floor next to you. Quite tall with black hair. And he was err...he was wearing a white suit? Honestly he was dressed like a pastor which confused me more," Hiro said, scratching the back of his head.

" a pastor, seriously?" Mattia asked, and he looked at himself. I almost laughed but kept it in.

" he said that the guy had drugged you or something and he was trying to hurt you. He then told us he had already called an ambulance and they were already on their way." He then folded his hands, " he disappeared after that,"

They both went quiet and I looked down at the bedsheets. That sounded like a crazy night.

" I'll go get a doctor, they said they need to check up on you when you wake up," Hiro said and I nodded. He then walked out of the room.

Thea sat a little closer to me and hugged me tightly, " I'm so glad you're ok," she said to me, " I was way too drunk to even process what the hell was going on. Thank god Hiro was there otherwise I wouldn't have known what to do and I would've lost my shit,"

I looked at her surprised. Did she really just thank god for Hiro?

Our Hiro?

She noticed and understood straight away why I looked so shocked, " yeah I never thought I'd say that either but it's true," she said, and she rubbed her eyes a little, " I never thought I'd have to rely on Hiro like that,"

She stared down at the floor lost in thought about something and I started to wonder what she was thinking about. She suddenly snapped out of her daze and her head shot back up to me.

" you must be starving, I'll go get something for you to eat," she said, and she stood up, " oh and your mom called, she said to call her back when you wake up," she told me before she left the room. I thought I'd call mom a little later on.

Mattia walked over to me, and sat at the end of my bed, " how're you feeling?" He asked me.

" alright to be honest," I said to him, " thanks for turning up and helping me out,"

He smiled, " of course,"

" you know for an angel, you really know how to fight dirty," I said in a surprised tone, remembering how he was beating up the man that was abusing me.

He laughed a little, " well I'm supposed to protect you, and if that has to resort to violence then so be it," he answered shrugging.

I smiled and I sat back in the bed comfortably, " so what happened after I blacked out?"

" I called Hiro off of your phone. I explained to him what happened when he saw me and then I turned invisible after that, and just followed you guys here. Thea was...was an emotional wreck," mattia finished, " she was very scared, and was crying a lot. Hiro comforted her and sorted things out though."

He started to think about something and smiled to himself.

" what?" I asked him, " what're you smiling about?"

He looked back and me and shook his head, " can't say,"

" can't say?" I repeated in a confused tone, " did something happen?"

He smiled knowingly to himself and the suspense was honestly killing me.

" mattiaaaa what is it?" I asked him, " what happened?"

He shook his head, " I can't say Brianna." He repeated, " But I suppose you'll find out soon anyway. One of them are bound to tell you,"

" tell me what?" I asked impatiently, " MATTIA JUST TELL ME!!"

He shook his head and out of frustration I threw my pillow at him. He turned himself transparent and it just went through him. He laughed at me and I groaned quietly.

I hated it when he did that.

" I should go, Dash told me to tell him when you're awake so he knows you're alright," he said standing up,"

" was he worried?" I asked him before he left.

Mattia nodded, " yes, he kept begging me to bring him here but I said that I couldn't. He threatened to pee on me but I said if he just appeared here it would freak people out. He calmed down a little after that,"

He clicked his fingers together and then disappeared. As soon as he did the door of my room opened and I saw Hiro with the doctor, and Thea came shortly after.

They both let the doctor walk in first, and then they  both walked through the door at the same time and bumped into each other.

They muttered apologies to each other and I could sense the awkwardness between them. They weren't even giving each other eye contact and it confused me even more.

What the hell happened when I passed out?

Does anyone else not feel active at all after drinking coffee? Like it doesn't keep me awake at all and that annoys me.

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