Fake Love | Chapter 31

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Luke's pov:

I shuffled along the streets, my feet dragging behind. I was currently listening to, 'Miserable at best by Mayday Parade' seen as it was Maddie's favourite. I sighed as the lyrics flowed through. It brought back memories of our first concert together.

"Luke! Luke. I love this song!" she said through giggles as she softly sung out the lyrics.

"You said that about the last one" I chuckled back.

"But I love this one too" she protested, with a massive grin on her lips. I laughed softly, bringing my arms around her waist. She leant her head on my chest, as she whispered the lyrics to 'Oh well, Oh well'. I couldn't help but smile like an idiot at the young girl. She looked beautiful no matter what. Maddie only cared for others and nothing was going to bring her down. Her smile lit up my eyes, and at that moment nothing mattered but her. I'm gonna marry her one day, I'll get to wake up to her tiredly whispering 'good morning dork' followed by giggles, I'll start a family with her. Because she's mine and only mine. And that made a feeling of comfort.

"Thank you for not leaving, Luke" she mumbled, taking me out of my train of thought.

"I promise I'd never leave" I replied, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head.

"This is the best day ever! Thank you so much Lukey. I love you, I love you so god damn much" she smiled widely with laughter.

"I love you too" I laughed, pressing several kisses to her cheeks.

I came back to reality, and the same words echoed around me. I promise I'd never leave. I fucking promised her! I felt wet tears, leave my eyes. I broke the one thing she needed. All Maddie wanted was someone not to leave, someone, anyone to actually stay. And I thought I was going to be around forever...I never wanted to leave. Not until that phone call, If I never did what I had to do. We would still be together. I'm such a fuck up. I ruin everything!

My train of thought was cut off. When I saw a crowd of people, police cars and ambulance. What happened? I curiously thought walking over to the bunch of citizens. I made my way through the crowd, even through all the cries and yelling. "What happened?!" I groaned confused. Some lady tugged on my sleeve, stopping me before I got to see who.

"S-some young girl was yelling on the road. She was trying to k-kill herself. I was there, it was terrifying she kept repeating words like, hit me I'm not afraid, why'd you leave?.. The poor thing" the elderly women sighed, bringing her eyes to the ground.

The one thought that came to my mind was Maddie. No, no, no. Maddie wouldn't do that. It's not's Maddie, it can't be. I shoved through the crowd even through the rude remarks.

And that's when I felt my world coming crashing down. I collapsed to the floor, once I saw the body. "No!" I screamed, causing people to stare in shock. "No! No! Fuck no!". I managed to keep my balance, running over to Maddie. Even through all the shouts and people pulling me away. "Sir, you can't be here" a paramedic growled.

"Madison! Wake up. Don't you dare leave me! Fuck why? Why? I love you, please. I'm sorry ok, i'm so sorry.. Maddie please don't leave me" Tears were streaming down my cheeks. Her eyes were snapped shut, i noticed tear stains. Cuts all along her face and bruises already appearing. I hurt her, I did this. I did this!

"Maddie, hey, Maddie. You're ok, you're gonna be ok.. I love you. Why didn't I just tell you" I repeated, crying next to the lifeless body.

"You know her?" the man asked startled by my outburst.

"Y-yeah, I do. Oh fuck, this is all my fault" I whimpered, through tears. "Is she dead!?" I barely managed to get out. She could be dead, I'll never get to see her smile again.. Dead. Dead. Dead. I started sobbing uncontrollably. She didn't deserve this, I should've been there!

"We are trying everything we can, we can't give you an answer yet we'll have to do tests... But get in the back of the ambulance" the man looked at me with sympathy. The kind of look you give someone out of pity.

Allison killed herself... Maddie told me all the time, how much it hurt.. To see the person you love kill themselves. Why'd she do it then, why'd she leave me?! Then I remembered everything, everything I said to her. She didn't leave me, I left her. She was all alone. I only did it to protect her, never did I think this would happen. I held tightly on her hand, it still fitted perfectly. Like we were made for each other. Although her hands were cold like ice.. Not warm and loving. I did this. The love of my life might be dead, because of me!! This is all my fault.

This is all my fault!

Chapter 31

Again this isn't the end of the story because people thought my last chapter was too. I still have more planned for this book :)

I hope you guys are liking the story so far. Also I put up a Muke fanfic the other day it's called 'Silence' It'd mean heaps if you go check it out.

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Love you lots x

Fake love // Luke HemmingWhere stories live. Discover now