Fake Love | Chapter 12

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A week had past and today was the day we set off to America. My anxiety had started to kick in last night. Jasper had to try help me breathe again after having a severe panic attack. The one thought that hasn't left my mind since the early hours of the morning is, what if i get an anxiety attack in America. No one knows how to help me, when i go into my shock mode...But it was a chance I'm willing to take. America will be good for me, a new environment, new people, just a new start. Even if it was only for a few weeks.

I struggled with my suit case as i dragged it down the stair case. Seconds later i heard a thud, soon realising i had dropped my suit case down all the stairs. "Shit" i muttered, running down and picking it up.

"Madison!" Jaspers voice, echoed from his room. As he staggered down the stairs, with a frown on his lips. "You ready to go?" Jasper asked, with a soft sigh.

"Yep! I'm bloody nervous but still excited" i grinned with excitement.

"You know you're lucky I'm letting you go, i haven't even met who you are going with! But i trust you and surely you are mature enough to make the right decisions. Please be safe, little one" He whispered hurt in his eyes, as I'm the only family he has left.

I suffocated him in a hug "don't worry, i'll be fine. I love you Jasp".

He pressed a small kiss on the crown of my head "I love you too kiddo, make sure you text me as soon as you land!" he repeated for the millionth time.

"Yeah, yeah, i will" i laughed. He pulled me into one last hug "bye Jasper, i'll see you soon!" i mumbled into his chest.

"Bye Maddie!" he called as i left the apartment.

An hour had past and i was currently sitting upside down on the couch, waiting for the boys to hurry the fuck up. "You know, i think you brought ten times more shit then i did" i laughed to Luke.

"Well you brought hardly anything" he replied.

"I brought, clothes, makeup, hair products and my laptop. Thats all i need to survive" i answered with a quiet yawn. He rolled his eyes, with a laugh.

We finally made it to the airport. The car journey pretty much consisted of singing multiple songs in the car and talking about Mexican food? The day i met them i knew they would be a weird bunch.

I heard the screams and cries of all there fans. I was about to turn around and leave, I cant do this. What was i thinking?! I thought to myself. Soon Luke's hand grabbed my wrist, making me stop in my tracks. "I cant do this!" i replied my eyes widened.

"I'm here, ok, its gonna be fine" he whispered softly. I nodded, hanging my head to the floor. I took a deep breathe trying to calm myself.

We had finally made it through all of the fans, the boys couldn't stop to take photo as they would've missed their flight. I did get a lot of horrible stares and a few rude remarks but it went better then expected. I felt sorry for most of the girls, they had hopelessness in their eyes. I bet they had been waiting hours and didn't even get a hello. But i guess life isn't always fair....

We had made it to the plane we were boarding. They got me a first class ticket, which was freaking weird. Never in my life would i be abl to afford this, but to them it was nothing. I looked out the window, as the engines began to raw. Time to go on a trip of a life time... Or a trip of my nightmares.

Chapter 12!

Sorry this is a really short chapter, but i really wanted to update, i've been so busy and had hardly any internet :(

Hope you guys are liking the story, i promise you the next chapter will be better!

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Love youu! x

Fake love // Luke HemmingWhere stories live. Discover now