Fake Love | Chapter 32

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Hours had passed and I was still sitting in the waiting room. No one dared to come near me, everyone just gave me pitiful looks, which worried me even more. I begged for them to just tell me if she were alive or not. But I always got the same response 'we are trying everything we can'.

My stomach was in knots and not the good kind. As hard as I tried, I couldn't stop tears from spilling down but I had to keep hope. She couldn't have left me! I was to scared to tell Jasper what happened.. I know I should but I couldn't, I just couldn't. Maddie's his little sister, his only family member he has left. I was snapped out of my train of thought when I heard, hysterical noises coming from the door. I glided my eyes over to it, seeing Michael, Ash and Calum asking where and what happened to Maddie. "Luke!" Ashton yelled, running over to me.

Ashton stared at me in shock, I couldn't do anything but stare back in return. "W-what happened!?"

I flinched at him, my heart speeding up before tears began to leave my eyes again. "Fuck, Luke.. Hey Lukey" Ashton's voice softened as he took the seat next to me. "What happened Lukey"

"She tried to kill herself!" I managed to choke out.

"O-oh" I heard Calum barely audible.

"Is she gone.." Ashton asked, tears now leaving his glossy hazel eyes.

"I d-don't know, she can't! Ok she can't leave me..." I muttered, bringing my eyes over to the window. I ignored them trying to plead with me and zoned out.

After another painful hour, of sobbing and feeling everything turn to darkness. The doctors came out. "Are you here for Madison Grace Watson" The man asked. I felt my breathe hitched in my throat, words couldn't escape so I nodded.

He let out a deep breathe, his eyes weren't filled with sympathy though more of relief. "Maddison survived" he began. As soon as I heard those words, everything lit up. I finally could breathe... She's not gone.

"Maddie.. Had quite the impact and she's extremely lucky, most people wouldn't survive that. I'm sorry to tell you but she's currently in a coma.. Madison has also broken her arm but she's ok. You can go in and see her... Although we don't know how long she'll be in this coma we are hoping only a few weeks but we won't be able to tell you after many tests" he nodded before leaving me stare into the distance. I couldn't be happier that she's alive although she's hurt. Maddie's in a fucking coma, because of me. I hurt her, I hurt her.

"Luke.. Hey Luke" Calum snapped his fingers in front of me. "She's ok Lukey, every things ok" Calum nodded with a weak smile.

"I did this, I hurt her.." I mumbled, rising to me feet.

Calum sighed bringing me into a hug. "Come on let's go see Madd"

I could barely keep my balance as I walked into the room. She's was laying on the hospital bed dead still. She had cords and needles connected to her. And a monitor that tracked her heart, every few seconds it beeped. She had massive bruises over her flawless face and cuts along her cheek. Her arm was wrapped in bandages. She had tears stained on her cheeks. Although she was still the most stunning item in the room, even when broken. I heard the boys quietly mumble things about her. I just stared at her. I did this was the only thought that wouldn't stop taunting me. I intwined my hand with hers, even though it was dead cold. "Please wake up soon Maddie.. I'm so sorry" I whispered to her. The boys didn't seem to notice but i just kept whimpering to her how much I love her.

I noticed Ashton was on the phone.. Who was he talking to?

"Ok, see you soon Jasper" he said softly before hanging up the phone. Only half an hour later a very stressed Jasper ran into the room. He was crying uncontrollably when he saw her. "Hi" Jasper muttered, once noticing us.

"Hey Jasp, hey, Hi Jasper" they all replied.

I still couldn't speak, especially not to Jasper... He hates me, but why wouldn't he. I hate me too.

"Hey Luke, how you doing?" He asked looking over at me. I was confused to why he even bothered talking to me.

"I-i'm o'ok" i managed to get out. He nodded giving me a weak smile before he began to talk to his sister again.

After a few hours the boys left. They said they'll be back early tomorrow. I wasn't leaving, not until she woke up. Even if it takes months, i'm not leaving..

"Luke.." Jasper asked.


"They didn't tell me what happened.. But I'm pretty sure you know? Please tell me"

"Jasper... I-I don't think you wanna k-know. I mean like I jus-" I fumbled with my words terribly.

"She tried to kill herself, didn't she?" he asked taking a deep breathe.

"Y-yeah she did" I replied. "I just wish I was there and I know I can't even say that because I wasn't. I fucked up big time... But I swear to god, I only did it to protect her. I didn't think this wanna gonna happen, I didn't" i began to hyperventilate. The walls felt as if they were closing up on me.

"Luke.. Its ok, calm down"

"It's not ok! It's really not"

"I know you didn't break up with her because you don't love her. I don't understand how Maddie fell for that but i'm not stupid" Jasper replied. I gave him a confused look in response..

"Everyone else believed me..."

"I still don't know why you did it. But I do know theres a reason that's why I don't hate you Luke. Your a good guy, you always put Maddie first" he spoke humbly.

"I'm not a good guy, Jasper. Look at what I did.. I promised I wouldn't leave and I did!"

"I know Luke...And Maddie went into a dark place when you did. But you can't blame it all on yourself. She's always been like that. After our parents and especially Allison she stopped living. Until you showed up..". I couldn't help but cause a weak smile to appear on my lips..

"Will she ever forgive me?" I gulped, looking down at the love of my life.

"I-I don't know Luke.. Maddie forgives but never forgets. You have to see for yourself" he nodded, and that was the end of our conversation. The room filled with silence, not quite an awkward one but an unsure feeling lurked in the air.

Jasper had stayed the first few nights and I still hadn't left the room, since i got here. Although the boys visited practically everyday and Jasper was usually here but went home over night. "Luke.. You really gotta eat something" the older lad mumbled.

"Not hungry" is all i could reply, I had no energy. I could barely move anymore. I hadn't eaten for a week. I had hardly slept either.

"Lucas, you can leave for just an hour. You gotta leave this room! You haven't eaten nor slept.. Come on" Jasper practically begged.

"Neither has Maddie, so why should I?" I questioned.

"Maddie's in a coma.. Your not! You're gonna get sick" he answered. I shook my head in response causing Jasper to let out a deep groan. "Ok Luke, you're so stubborn! But if you need anything call me" he smiled weakly.

"Thank you Jasper" I said now bringing my eyes to his. I watched as he slowly left the hospital room and then there was silence again.

"Hey gorgeous... I miss you and I love you" I whispered to the lifeless body. "It'd be great if you would wake up, I know your not a morning person but you gotta wake up" I chuckled lightly before sniffling. "Please wake up, please" I sobbed, placing my warm hands over hers.

Chapter 32 of Fake love!

So Maddie didn't die, I was unsure if I should've killed her off but you guys didn't want her to die.

Anyways I really hope you're all liking the story and if so please vote, follow and comment!

Love you lots!! xxxx

Fake love // Luke HemmingWhere stories live. Discover now