Fake Love | Chapter 16

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I was awoken to Megan jumping on my bed, as laughter escaped her lips. I groaned turning over. "Maddie! Time to wake up" she called. I shook my head in response burying my head deeper into the pillow. "Madison get up" Meg whined. I sat up rubbing my hands over my pale skinned face.

"What?" I said between mid-yawn.

"Well you slept in, all the boys have gone to work and jesus women you like to sleep."

"Yeah, i'm not a morning person..." I smiled, pushing my brown wavy curls from out of my eyes.

After forcing myself out of the cosiness of the bed, I hoped into the shower. The warm water splashed onto my skin as my muscles relaxed. I got changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, pared with a Mayday Parade tank top and my black converse. I quickly curled the ends of my hair, so it didn't look so messy. I applied my foundation, a touch of eye shadow and then attempted to do my eye liner...But it just ended with a big black smudge on my eye lid. I groaned with frustration as I applied all my eye make up again. Although this time it actually looked decent.

I jumped onto the couch next to Meg. She was watching some random celebrity TV show. Meg was now wearing a navy blue dress, her curly black hair tied in a high pony tail. She was eating some healthy oatmeal type thing. She had a shocked expression, plastered on her faces. I looked at her with a confused expression. "What?"

Her hand pointed to the television which her eyes were glued too.

"Oh my god I'm on Tv?" I laughed, as a few photos of me played on the screen.

"Supposedly the teenage rock star from 5 seconds of summer, Luke Hemming, has a new girlfriend. Maddison Watson is a eighteen year old girl, who is also from Sydney.. It seems to be the fans aren't to glad to hear this news. We'll have more on the subject later" the television host who looked filmier spoke with a large smirk on his face. Uh great, now people know who I am.

"Shit" Megan whined, concern present in her home.

"What?" I asked turning to face her.

"I went through that, Ashton and I almost broke up because of all the hate..And well Luke has a lot of fans, he's the lead singer.. I really don't want you and Luke to break up. You make him happy, and not well a jerk" she explained with worry written on her face.

I shrugged in response "I actually kinda find it amusing. I've been bullied all my life, things don't really get to me.." Now I say it at loud, sounds kind of sad..

It was on like everything was set out, my phone began to buzz with notifications. I swiped checking my Instagram, i was tagged in several photos. I read along the caption who the hell is this chick!?!1!! @Maddie_Watson. "How the hell did they find my Instagram?" I asked.

"They're teenage girls... Don't tell me you aren't a professional stalker" Meg laughed.

"Thats true" I nodded. The comments began to flood. 'She seems like a bitch', 'she might be nice I'm happy for Luke', 'ew she's ugly af', 'kill yourself', 'guys calm the fuck down', 'she seems lovely!' , 'omg who is she?! :(('

"Well that escalated quickly" I said to Meg as I read through several more comments, of tones of photos. They did not like me, which is fair enough.

"Are you ok?" Megan questioned with seriousness in her tone.

I nodded "i'm fine" i replied rising to my feet. "I didn't know people could be so rude though...But some of them are being really lovely about it!"

"Yeah I know, and heads up its gonna get worse..Before it gets better.." she sighed sliding her hand through her fringe.

"I don't even wanna check twitter" I laughed, watching as the notifications buzzed every few seconds.

Fake love // Luke HemmingWhere stories live. Discover now