Fake Love | Chapter 2

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Maddie's pov:

I rested my chin on the palm of my hand as I stood behind the counter. Soon enough three boys walked in. The same obnoxious blonde boy, then another, a little shorter with crazy cameral coloured curls hidden behind a bandana, and the last one with bright red hair stuck up in every direction.

They sat down at a booth, nudging each other as they shuffled in their seats. I walked over to them grabbing my notepad and pen which was behind my ear.

"Hello, how may I help you?" I asked with a welcoming smile.

The blonde one gave me a glare, which I gave back in return.

"Can I please get a strong coffee and a blue berry muffin?" The one with curly hair smiled.

"Sure" I smiled politely writing down his order, before facing the blonde one. "And for you?" I asked.

"Some common courtesy" he laughed.

"Yeah you definitely need some" I replied with a smirk, which caused the red head one to laugh.

"Coffee and don't make it so hot next time!" The blonde one demanded.

"Em hem" I replied, scribbling down his order.

"And for you?" I questioned softly at the one with crazy neon red hair.

"Uh, um, oh, um, the, um, just a muffin and hot chocolate, please."

"Sure! I'll be out with your orders soon."

Lukes pov:

I tapped away at my phone, nothing interesting was happening on twitter. Just fans asking random shit, making weird sexual remarks and begging for follows. Nothing seemed interesting anymore. Life was just a boring, depressing cycle.

"She's perfect Luke!" I heard Michael chirp, nudging me.

"What are you on about?" I murmured, my eyes still focused on my phone.

"Her, that waitress. Ask her to be your 'fake girlfriend.' She's funny and pretty." Michael babbled on.

"Pfft, no! She's rude and obnoxious" I scoffed.

"Oh shut up Blondie. She's perfect and you know our manager is getting pissed at you for not finding someone yet" Ashton snapped.

I rolled my eyes "No! I don't understand why I have to! It's stupid. I never signed up for this shit."

"Yeah you kinda did! You're the one whose dream it was to be in a band!" Ashton growled as anger filled his eyes.

Maddie's pov:

I looked over to the table with the three boys. The one with red hair just looked sad, or maybe annoyed, I couldn't quite tell. He seemed hard to read. The one with curly dark blonde hair was angry and Rapunzel couldn't care less. Were these guys friends? 'Cause they didn't seem like it.

"Oi Madster, order's up" I heard the chef call. I don't get why he calls me 'Madster.' He just does. I'm pretty sure he's high most of the time.

I grabbed the tray and carried it over to the three boys' table, passing them their drinks and muffins.

"Hey!" The curly haired boy called.

I turned around to face him. "Yes?"

"Whats your name?" he replied.

I looked at him confused as to why he'd care. "Uh Madison, but most people call me Maddie?"

"Well hi Maddie, I'm Ashton and this is my friend Michael," he spoke with a grin pointing to the one with the eyebrow piercing.

"Hi," I said awkwardly. Why was he talking to me?

"And this is Luke," Michael punched his arm lightly, which caused Luke to look up from his phone and give Michael a death stare.


It had grown late into the night, dark shadows began to dance around the corridors  I walked up the staircase leading to my apartment, when a certain blonde caught my eye.

"Are you, like, stalking me?" he asked with a smug expression.

"You wish, princess" I smirked.

He stepped closer to me, making me step further away.

"Hm sure, kid" He whispered, taking another step toward me.

"Can I please get through" I mentally groaned. 

Seconds later his lips were against mine, he pushed me against the wall, kissing me strongly and for some reason I was kissing back.

He pulled away with a smug expression, my eyes widened. "I knew you had thing for me," He whispered, walking up the stairs, leaving me to stand there confused.

"Great, I live in the same building as a nutcase."

Chapter two!

Hope you guys like the story so far, I have a lot planned. I wanna rush the first few chapters, so I can get to the main part of the story. So sorry if that annoys you but I will add more about Maddie's life soon :)

Make sure you tell me what you think of the story so far.

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Love you lots! xxxx

Fake love // Luke HemmingWhere stories live. Discover now