Fake Love | Chapter 17

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I walked along the busy streets, my headphones were blasting to All Time Low. I decided may as well get back soon, seen all the streets lights had flickered on. I walked along the ally way. It began to get dark, dramatically. I sped up my pace, trying to not panic. I hated being alone at night.

Moments later i heard quiet footsteps from behind me, my heart began to beat unsteady. I felt someone grab my wrist. I was about to scream before his hand covered my mouth. My body was pressed up against the brick wall, i winced in pain as it cut my back. I opened my eyes, to be faced by a man with black scruffy hair. He looked about twenty five maybe even younger?

I watched as he pulled out a gun, tears started to fall down my cheeks. "Fuck off" i yelled trying to push his arm away.

"Shh, if you scream. I'll shoot you" his voice echoed.

"What do you want!" i growled.

"Give me all your money!" he answered his tone full of anger. I threw my purse at him. He smiled widely, quickly grabbing it. "Now get out of here!" he yelled.

I quickly kicked him in the balls causing him to fall to the gravel. Grabbing my bag and sprinting for my life. "You little shit!" he screamed. I didn't turn to look back, i just ran till my legs collapsed at the house. I knocked at the door un-patiently. Ashton answered it, tears were now streaming down my cheeks, from the fright.

"Madd, you ok?!" he asked concerned. I nodded quickly sprinting up the stairs, I hated anyone seeing me cry. I pushed open the bedroom door, falling to the ground. I tried to catch my breathe, as panic filled me.

"Maddie?" I heard a confused Luke ask.

I pulled my legs up to my chest, burring my head in my knees. "I'm fine" I managed to spit out.

"No your not?" he whispered.

"I am!" I snapped. He sat down next to me, his arm resting lightly on my back. He rubbed circles on my back. Before i jumped back in pain.

"What?" he asked.

"My back, it hurts" I cried. He pulled my top up slightly revelling a large cut that was dribbling with blood.

"Shit! What the fuck happened?!" Luke asked his voice raising..

"Nothing, I'm fine" i said rising to my feet.

"Why can't you just trust me" Luke whispered.

"Because i trust no one! No one cares and everyone leaves me" anger began to boil.

"You're so stubborn, i care! Why don't you see that" he yelled. I stumbled back, giving him a glare.

"Just leave me alone" i shouted, my head spinning.

"Fine, whatever! You are so hard to understand" he said with anger in his eyes.

i staggered into the bath room. I had a quick shower, washing off the excess blood before i bandaged it up. I didn't mean to yell at him, i just stress to much. And i thought i was going to die tonight.. My head began to fill with the thought of death, i shuttered just thinking about it. I quickly wiped the stained tears on my cheeks as i got changed into an over sized band shirt and a pair of pyjama shorts. I threw my hair into a messy bun and went back into the bedroom. I sighed falling onto the bed. Why am i such a fuck up?

An hour had passed and i woke up to someone wrapping their arms around my waist. "I'm sorry" a tried Luke whispered.

"Me too" i mumbled, turning to face him.

"I just care is al-" i quickly cut him off.

"No one does though, Luke...Everyone I've ever cared for ends up leaving me"

"Well i'll never leave you, i promise" he replied pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"Wrong again, you can't promise that"

"I love you, Maddie. I'm not going to leave you"

"You what?" a replied a massive smile now plastered on my lips.

"I love you" he said nervously.

I pressed my lips against his, smiling into the kiss. "i love you too, dork".

"So what did happen today" he asked peppering me in kisses. I looked at him seriously, which made him instantly stop.

"Some guy tried to mug me" i replied, pushing my hand through my curls.

Luke's eyes filled with pain, as he held me close to him. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I didn't think anyone would care"

"Oh Maddie, of course i do. Anyone would? are you ok! Shit you shouldn't be alone at night, why?" Luke began to fumble terribly with his words.

"I'm fine.. I was just scared" i whispered.

"I'm not gonna let anyone ever hurt you again, i promise" he replied. I smiled at him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

Chapter 17 of fake love!

Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far :) I have so much shit planned, i'm so excited!

Thank you all for 2k reads!!

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Love you lots xxxx

Fake love // Luke HemmingWhere stories live. Discover now