Fake Love | Chapter 36

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"Maddie?" he chocked out.

"Hey i'm right here, Luke. Everything gonna be ok! I promise you" I sniffled, tears streamed down my cheeks, blurring my vision.

A puddle of blood started to form. My hand shook like crazy as I told the ambulance what happened, they were coming as fast as they possibly could.

"I know it hurts baby, but the ambulance are coming. Ok Lukey. I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you." I whimpered, hovering my hands above the wound.

He continued to wince in pain, his breathe was slowly dying down. "No, no, Luke!" I shrieked.

He snapped his eyes back open, fixating his tear glazed eyes on mine. "Maddie, i'm sorry"

"Don't, don't say that. Everything gonna be ok!" my throat began to burn from tears. I brushed my finger tips through his soft blonde hair. "Everything going to be fine, Luke."

A weak smile on his lips as he stared at me. Luke chest rose massively with every pant. Before he began to cry his eyes out. "Not fair, not fair.."

"Its not, its really not fair, Luke. But just stay with me, ok! They'll be here any second.. I love you, oh god I love. Just focus on breathing" I spoke, tear drops dripping onto his chest.

Luke's hand slowly lifted as he wiped my tears. "Please don't cry" Luke paused trying to build up stength. "S-someone once told me that an arrow can only be shot by pulling it back.. When life is dragging y-you back with difficulties, it means it's going to launch you into something great..So just focus" he whisepred.

"And keep aiming" I finished the sentence with a tremulous sob.

"Please never stop aiming" Luke whimpered, burshing the hair out of my eyes.

I nodded slowly, whimpering soothing things to the boy.

"Madd?" Luke barely spoke audible

"Yeah?" I sniffled.

"I love you..."

"Lukey, you don't have to say that.. Because every things gonna be fine." I nodded to him. Although Luke just shook his head.

"No Maddie it's not. I'm s-sorry" he chocked, blood started dribbling from his lips. I gasped, covering my mouth.

"Luke, please, please. No, no, no." I begged.

"I love you.. Never forget that. I'm gonna be with you no matter what." Tears were dribbling from his eyes but the same loving comfort came through as he smiled.

"I love you too" I sobbed, pressing a light kiss to his forehead.

"I lov-" his eyes began to flicker shut. "I love you forever" he whispered.

"NO" I screamed. I stared at the boy shaking my head furiously in denial. He can't be dead. He can't be!

Luke's lips began to fade to a pale pink. He took his last breathe and then his chest stopping rising. I physically felt something leave my body. I brought Luke's into my arms, trembling. "Why? Why you!" I screamed through tears. Blood covered my hands but I couldn't care less, he was gone. Luke was dead. The love of my life was never going to smile, sing, laugh.. Or live ever again. "No, no, you can't leave me!" I yelped.

I soon felt someone rip me away from the body, holding me to the wall. "No, don't!" I whimpered, staring at the lifeless body. The lady was trying to help me and even she was lightly crying. "Its ok, its ok" she repeated.

"He's dead! Nothing is ok, nothing!" I sobbed back. I begged for someone to tell the boys and the women nodded asking me what their number is. She rang them, not saying anything about death but there had been an 'incident'. I brought my legs up to my chest, shaking back and forth. They had taken Luke to the ambulance and a few people stayed back, investigating the scene. They asked me to go back home but I refused...

Luke's gone, gone forever.

I soon noticed a man stood above me, he had sympathy written all over his face. He knelt down, with a weak smile. "This was in his pocket... I think it was for you" he whispered, placing a necklace in my hand.

The older man slowly walked off, down the stair case. Glimpsing over at me.

I opened my hand.. Revealing the same music note necklace, Luke gave me on our first anniversary. The flashback of the day I broke it corrupted my mind.

I ripped the beautiful necklace from off my neck, that he gave me for our anniversary. The small charm of a music note cracked in half. Violent sobs began to leave my lips. 'I used you. i don't love you' the words taunted me as they repeated.

That was the day Luke broke up with me, the day I felt so alone... But this was an even worse feeling, knowing I'll never get to see him again.

The music note was all put back together and you could tell where the cracks had been. I traced my fingers over the delicate charm, weakly smiling. I turned if over noticing an engravement. 'Nothing can break our love.'

I held the necklace to my chest, my lips began to tremble. "Why'd you leave me? I needed you!"

"Maddie?!" I heard a concerned Michael shout. I looked up the boys and tears began to dribble down. I swallowed the lump in my throat, brushing my fingers through my now knotty hair.

"W-what's going on? What happened! Where's Luke!" Ashton exclaimed, before noticing blood patches on the carpet. His eyes widened, a shocked expression on his face.

"I'm so sorry" I sobbed, bringing my eyes over to the boys.

"What happened?" Michael asked confused but he began to wail uncontrollably.

"Someone shot him" I chocked, it hadn't quite hit me what happened. "Luke's gone" I whimpered, trying to be strong but it failed as I started to weep. The boys shook their head, silence fell through out the hall. Before Calum began to scream and whimper.

Calum brought me into a hug, crying into my shoulder. As he apologised over and over. I clung my arms around him, sobbing too.

"We lost our best friend?" Ashton whispered, shaking his head. He didn't believe a word, and I didn't blame him.

"No.. We lost our brother" Michael cried, hugging Ashton.

Chapter 36 of Fake Love.

This is the second last chapter..

Please tell me how you feel about Luke's death?

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I love you guys so much! xxxx

Fake love // Luke HemmingWhere stories live. Discover now