Fake Love | Chapter 14

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Maddie's pov:

I pulled my phone out, deciding to go on twitter. The past few days I have gained a shit tone of followers, it was kinda scary. I read along the tweets amused by all the hate I was receiving. Most normal people would usually get extremely upset over this, but in reality all it is, is someone talking in caps locks sitting behind a computer screen. I will admit sometimes people go to far, and it hurts..But i haven't gotten anything like that, just yet. I clicked out of Twitter and went into Instagram, because that was my favourite site of social media.

I scrolled through all the photos, liking some here and there. Then something caught my eyes.. Their were loads of photos of me. Screenshots of articles about me too... The article read

Supposedly Maddison Watson, a young girl from Sydney. Is currently dating the famous teenage band member in 5 seconds of summer, Luke Hemmings. They have been spotted in public, several times. So is Luke now off the market?

The actual fuck. I don't get how people, just assume someone is dating because they have been in public together... I read the caption under the photo, it was from a Luke fan account.

Omg do you guys think this is real?! She's so pretty but I've never heard of her before! I'm happy for Luke though..So would you guys all stop with the hate! @Maddie_Watson. Aw she's nice. I decided to like the photo, just for the hell of it.

A few hours had passed and i was barely able to keep my eyes open. I buried my head into the uncomfortable couch cousins and soon fell into a slight slumber.

Lukes pov:

We arrived back at the house, after several hours of looking at the most boring contracts.. and paper work. I pushed open the stubborn door and stumbled inside, followed by a small chuckle from Michael.

"I'm going to bed, before i faint. Night guys" Ashton mumbled.

"Same" Cal barely managed to say, before almost collapsing.

"Well I'm nocturnal, so I'm gonna play my DS till five in the morning" Michael chuckled walking down the hall, and into his room.

I walked into the lounge, the TV was still on. It was replaying random ads about cook wear...Gotta love late night programming.

Maddie was now fast asleep on the couch. She looked peaceful, when she was asleep. Like she wasn't so anxious about everything going on and was finally content. Her chest slowly raising with every breathe she took. I wrapped my arms around her, gently. Trying not to wake her up, i placed her down on the double bed. She was still asleep but had a small smile on her lips now. I smiled at the young girl, realising how beautiful she is. Her light pale skin, that she hates. Her small nose, her big bright smile and her green-like-the-forest eyes. Everything about her just made me happy. I don't think i can keep this as a fake relationship anymore. I'll admit once i met her, she seemed extremely stressed and kinda annoying. But don't judge a person, not until you get know them. I want to be with her, i want her to be mine and only mine... But i doubt she feels the same way. I decided to just push the thought away for now.

"Goodnight gorgeous" i whispered, before trying to fall asleep.

Chapter 14!

i know this was a short chapter, but i'll update again most likely tonight :)

Thank you all for 1k reads, thats insane!

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Love you all so much x

Fake love // Luke HemmingWhere stories live. Discover now