Chapter 5 : BREAK

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My answer really led her to a dead end. She can't create more questions out of it. Yes. I've done it right. Shehnaz cheered herself. This raised her confidence a little bit. She straightened herself and proudly smiled at shefali.
Shefali now knew theres no way to get her. As much as she felt a little defeated as an interviewer, deep inside she was proud that the shehnaz gave a good answer.
She kept her pen down and moved on to her next question ,
"Biggboss 13 and siddharth shukla has obviously played a huge role in you're life and you've admitted this yourself. "
"I have" Shehnaaz agreed.
"But now the show is over, and everyone in the show including yourself has moved on to new projects. But even then the questions related to the show and you're relationship with sidharth shukla has always been asked. Aren't you tired of it all?"
"Tired? Never. You see biggboss gave me a beautiful future with so much possibilities. And with sidharth I've gained a lifelong bond,and my friends family and fans are my biggest support systems. I can speak about them this whole interview, I wouldn't regret a single word"
"That is so sweet shehnaz,lets take a break now shall we?"
Shefali stooped down as soon as the curtains fell. She was looking for the fallen cup. She slowly looked up to see if shehnaz was watching her , but shehnaz, like always has zoned out.
The word 'break' holds a very bad memory for her. She hated that day. That day when she went straight to his house to ask him.

"It's better if we take a little break and keep a little distance from each other, or i'll give you an even better option lets just forget each other"
"Sidharth? What the hell are you saying? Can you really do that? Forget me? Never talk to me?"
Why was he so angry. Why is it so hard for him to open up and say it.
"I dont know. But it's better for you shehnaz, and it's better for the both of us".
He is running away again. No not this time.
"I don't understand siddharth. Why can't you answer a simple question. I asked you if you loved me or not. It's a simple question and the answer is a simple one too. You're the one who is always clear and sorted and logical. Aren't i the gadhi?So tell me , make me understand. You always know the corect answer to every question dont you?"
Siddharth calmed himself down, he stood a little closer to her, kept both his hands on her shoulders, shook her a little and said,
"I just gave you the right answer shehnaz. Lets not fight over this now. Listen to me. You're tired. What you need right now is a break. Not from the world, not from you're job, but from me. You're feeling too many things and you're emotional. I dont know whats exactly gotten into you, but i get it, you're tired of feeling it'
His mighty hands were weighing her down, balancing herself, she slowly held his hands and caught hold of his fingers. Looking straight into his eyes, she said everything she has been wanting to say for such a long time.
"That feeling is called love siddharth. I'm not tired of love, I'm tired of wondering whether what you feel for me is the same thing. And it's been 2 years.You either run away from it, make a joke out of it, or tell me to stay away like you're doing right now. I don't get it. Why is it so hard to open up about it. I just need an answer. You don't have to worry whether the answer will hurt me or not. Say yes or no siddharth"
She has been wanting to ask this for a long time. She thought once she does this, she'll be relieved. But now a fear slowly engulfed her. His face had become red. Anger, irritation, she saw it all in his eyes.
He was done. She knew it.
Siddharth pushed her hands away, turned back and was about to leave the room but shehnaz caught his arms .They were too big for her, if he even slightly swayed it,her hands wouldn't be able to hold him. But he didn't do it. He tilted his head and looked straight at her.
She asked softly,
"Dont i deserve to know it ?"


"Yes or no siddharth"





"𝐍𝐎𝐎𝐎 !"

He shouted at the top of his voice.


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