Chapter 12 : Finally!

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"Its been wonderful talking to you shehnaz. You and your life is such an inspiration to your fans."

Shefali's voice echoed in his room.

Siddharth stopped covering his face and looked up at the tv. The interview was over.
He had been so engrossed in thinking about the party, he forgot about the show.
After that day, he didn't have the guts to speak to her or see her.
This is also why he was keen to see this interview.
To see her face again.

He watched shehnaz thanking shefali and hugging her.
She seemed happy.
He suddenly caught his own reflection, smiling, in the tv screen.

Why does she affect me so much ? Why does her being happy make me happy ?

Logic :Its her innocence and the fact that she forgives you for everything. Its the fact that she can find happiness in the smallest of things. You haven't seen anyone like that.

Heart : Thats right, everyone you meet and greet on a daily basis are just too arrogant and self centered. Shehnaz is the most selfless , loving,  caring person you have ever met and that is why you need her in your life. Everyone needs someone who can see your mistakes, know your imperfections and still love you.
She is the only one so far,who isn't afraid of you and has guts to speak anything to you.

But now i've hurt her too much. I literally told her stay away from me. I told her i don't love her!

Heart : And yet ,she came to your party. For you. Because you asked. Even she knows you need her !

It was wrong to tell her to stay away. A break? What was i thinking?!

When he thought he was helping her, clearly, he wasn't. He was only making things harder for her and for him.
And he thought he was right!
He covered his face again.
He still remembered her standing in that balcony,wind sweeping off her hair,her eyes twinkling and her small hands touching his. Her white gown was outshining the moon itself.
Suddenly he wanted to just see her, hold her cute face in his hands, and tell her.
He's been suffering too without her. He's missed her so much. He's had the hardest 3 months in his life without her. He was having success after success in his career but something always seemed to be missing and it only felt complete when she was around. That's why he called her for the party. Thats why he was so desperate for her presence. She completed him.
She is the perfect little thing. She is everything that he has ever wanted. She is honest and simple and funny and pretty. She is spontaneous and smart. She loves his mother like her own. She calls him her love, her friend,her family. And unlike him, she was never afraid to feel things and express it.

But he always asked himself,
am I the right guy? Our backgrounds, our childhood, our age, everything is so different. And we never agree on a single thing! How will it even work. He was afraid if it didn't work he will loose her forever.
It's better if we are friends. Just friends.

And so he did all of this.
The distance, the break, everything was for her.

So she could find a good guy and forget me. And now she thinks it's because I don't feel she is good enough for me!

Ever since the party,he has been wondering, thinking, restlessly,

Why did she say she doesn't deserve me? That i deserve someone perfect. Why does she think she isn't perfect?

The interview made things worse for him. He took his phone.

Should i text? No i'll call. Aagh.
Good lord. I have to go.

Logics : But wha-

Oh please, to hell with you !

Heart : Finally!

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