Chapter 1 : We meet again

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Shefali had been waiting patiently for shehnaz to come. She kept looking at her watch. There's only 5 more minutes for the camera's to roll and the curtains are going to rise. She could already hear the murmurs from the audience. Everyone is excited. So is she. She has done many interviews before,this is nothing new. But it's been a long time since she had met shehnaz. After biggboss they never really got a chance to meet each other. She kept swaying her legs to and fro leaning on to the chair she was supposed to sit. Suddenly she felt a soft hand touch her shoulders. She turned back and saw the person she's been waiting for all this time.
"Shehnaz", she smiled.
Shehnaz's face was nothing like she remembered. It wasn't as round and golu molu like before. Her face was now small and she definately didn't need to pout to show her jawline. She wore a wine coloured dress, a small chain on her neck, simple make up and her obvious smile. That smile has not changed a bit.
Shehnaz quickly hugged shefali.
"Shefaaaliiii" She squeaked.
"It's so good to see you again. I missed you're face"
"Why didnt you ever come and meet me then?" Shefali asked with a little irritation in her voice. She was a little disappointed about that.
"I know, I know " Shehnaz said and stepped back," I'm sorry about that, I got busy with my things you know, and I'm sure you got busy with you're stuff too, and then there was that stupid corona virus, aaghh" She exclaimed, threw her hands out into the air. "Thank god that's over now"
Shefali smiled.
Interesting. It's been about 3 years and a month since they've met and yet she felt like she was talking to her and had been hanging out with her for a long time.
"I agree"shefali said , it's good that's over".
By now shehnaz had seated herself on her chair opposite to shefali's. She was looking at the mirror and getting ready. Her hair was longer now. Her body, slim and fit. She looked like a teenager. Shefali couldn't take her eyes off her.
"One more minute"
Someone from the production screamed.
Shefali swiftly sat on her chair. Got ready with the papers. She wanted to speak more with shehnaz, but now there's no time.
"Look, the questions that I ask might seem to be a little offensive here and there. I'm not going to go nice. But it's only because it's my job" I should atleast warn her, as a friend shefali thought.
"I get it, thats alright " Shehnaz swayed her hands in the air.

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