Chapter 7:Its all for the best

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What happened after that, well, to her, it didn't really matter what happened after that.
She has faded memories of locking Siddharth's house,going home, crying more, ken calling her,ken visiting her, ken hugging her..
She remembered a bit of their conversations.
"Forget it shehnaz,Dont do this to yourself."
"I cant, ill miss him so much ken, i cant live a life without siddharth,ive never felt so helpless"
Her vision blurred, and a black light consumed her.
"Shehnaz? Omg shehnaz?"
Ken's tensed voice echoed in her ears.
And then she had ended up in the hospital.
When she woke up, ken was right there, by her side.

"Idiot, sana, you didn't drink a drop of water today did you?"
"What happened?"
"You fainted. Thank god you are slim now. I have no idea what I would have done if this had happened at the time you were fat. Only I know the trouble it took me to carry you"
"Where am I now?"
"At the hospital. Are you okay? You're gonna be fine. You're just dehydrated. Here drink this bottle of water."

She didn't really want to. But the moment she started drinking she couldn't stop.
"Damn. I really am thirsty"
"Of course you are.
Listen shehnaz, I don't want to bring this up now,but should I call siddharth?"
"For what?"
"I dont know maybe you can talk-"
"No, he and i , we have talked enough. We shouldn't trouble him more. "
"Alright alright"

She was thinking now. It was good she was in the hospital. She felt peaceful and her mind was clear now.
I'm fine. Maybe he is right. Maybe things will be better for me if he is not so involved in my life. At least it will help me think less of him and who knows maybe I'll fall out of love. And I might feel better.
"Whatever you want shehnaz, I'll be there for you don't worry."
Ken grabbed the empty bottle from her hand and filled it again.
" Here drink whenever you're thirsty okay? It's doctors orders. Dont throw it away".
"I wont."
"And don't think too much about siddharth right now. Take some rest. Give yourself some time to heal. You're hurt. You're tired. You've been crying the whole evening right?"
Her stomach grumbled.
Ken heard it ,chuckled and said,
"And you're hungry too".
"Aaha" She nodded.
"I'll order something. Get some sleep please. I hate to see you like this."
"Don't worry ken. Thank you . I'll be fine.i promise."
"Good girl."

She wasn't lying when she said that. The hospital bed was a wake up call for her in a way.
He has been testing her patience for years now. 
I've tried everything. I've expressed my feelings more than a 100 times to him. But he kept running away from it all. And because of that she was never sure if he really loved her or not. She needed an answer so she pushed him.Now she is heartbroken but at least she doesn't have to sit at home wondering if he loves her or not. Now she has got the proper answer. Now she can move on with it.
But maybe i shouldn't have pushed him so much. No shehnaz , what about you, you were patient for a really long time. That was necessary. She assured herself. You did the right thing.

"Shehnaz?, oyeee shehnazzz?"
Shefali had been standing right before her for a minute or two, watching shehnaz stuck in her own world.
"Dude , what is up with you? Where are you drifting off to?"
"Ahah, you know me shefali, i zone out like that, remember?"
"Yeah , but not like this!.
Are you okay?I know some of my questions were a little too straight forward and off putting. But i did warn you I'm not gonna be you're friend shefali. Im just doing my job. I hope i didn't cross any line?"
"What? No. Dear. Its not you. Don't worry. Yeah I was surprised with you're questions but they were pretty challenging. Did I answer it all well?"
"Are you kidding me? So far ,you did a fantastic job shehnaz gill."shefali gave an impressed look and patted her back.
"Thank youuuu " Shehnaz grinned.
Shehnaz leaned forward from her chair to hug her.
Shefali sighed ,and said
"We should hang out sometimes you know? I missed you alot" She slowly hugged her back.
"You did?"
"I did "
"Well then we should hang out " Shehnaz said excitedly.
"We better" Shefali pointed her finger at shehnaz,comically threatening her .
Shehnaz laughed.
"Well then shall we get back to our interview? "
A little touch up on make up, another bottle of water, the curtains were up , cameras rolled and they were back live. The audience clapped,whistled and roared for their dear sana.

"Welcome back "

Shefali,this time made sure her intro was short, her hands weren't up in the air, and that no cup would fall off.

"So shehnaz, you were a very public person. An open book. But now, for a while you've been escaping from camera eyes and social medias. What happened?"

"Yeah, I wasn't very active on social media for the past few months. It's nothing. I just wanted to spend some time for myself. I went to Punjab. I was with my family. I had a great time"

She really did. She had such a great time that she stayed there for 3 whole months. She didn't think she would have so much fun. It surprised her. But can siddharth shukla ever be wrong about something ? She hated that he always ended up being right! But going back home was like being out in the cold,and then finding a blanket. It was a warm feeling. She was happy.
She spent every day eating all the tasty food her mom made, and then her brother visited them too. She played with her nieces, met her fans. She and her family would all sit together and watch her movies, and even sidharth's new web series that was being aired.
She never called him though. He didn't either.She did miss him, but she knew she had to deal with it.
Its all for the best.

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