Chapter 27: That Butler, Whimsical

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That Butler, Whimsical


 "It's Christmas! Time to wake up, my lady.'

"Huh...?" Her eyes opened a wink to the voice. Who the hell was disturbing her this early in the morning?

The face of a purple-haired Indian young man brightened when he saw her eyes open but later fell with a disappointed look when her eyes shut again. "Agni, Estella went back to sleep again!" She could hear the man whine to someone.

Trying to fall back to sleep was not possible with someone yelling over her head but she had to try.

"Miss Blancbaston, please wake up." Someone shook her.

She ignored that, determined to go back to sleep. The shaking stopped after awhile to her delight.

Giving up, huh...

"WAKE UP!" A shout invaded her ears.

"What the hell!" Estella shot up from her pillow. Her eyes were wide with shock. They went over to the grinning purple head. What was his name again?

She, however, was too annoyed to ponder.

"You finally woke up!" He seemed so proud of himself.

Estella shot him an angry look. "Why. Do. You. Need to SHOUT into my ears in the early bloody morning!"

"Yikes!" The purple head ran and hid behind a taller man, "Agni, she's just like Ciel!"

A voice came from the door. "Just like me?"

All heads turned to it to find Ciel leaning by the door in his pajamas. His hair was sticking out in different angles, and he looked annoyed. "It's no surprise. Shouting into people's ears just to wake them up was absolutely evil."

"Morning, Blancbaston."

His eye flickered over to Estella and back to the purple head who grumbled, "Ciel, why are you so mean to your best friend?"

"How many times do I have to tell you that you're not my best friend?"


Estella rolled her eyes at them and laid back down on her bed, silently hoping that no one noticed. She was about to drift off to sleep when one of them which sounded like that purple-haired moron, yelled, "She went back to sleep!"

In the end, she gave up trying to go back to sleep. It was definitely not possible with that moron yelling over her head. "I'm up. So will you SHUT THE HELL UP?" She swung herself off bed, grabbed up a maid uniform and stormed into the bathroom.

The bathroom door slammed close with a loud thud.

Prince Soma stared at the door with a horrified look and turned to Ciel. "She's indeed like you, Ciel!"

Ciel glanced away from the door and eyed the prince boredly. "Can't blame her."


The doors of the dining hall slammed open to reveal Prince Soma.

"Ciel! Ciel! What's that square box?! Why are there people inside?!"

The said boy glanced up from his breakfast with annoyance clearly shown on his face. "Oh, shut up! Don't go yelling this early in the morning!"

Estella inwardly agreed with her master, too glared at the prince but she realized he was completely oblivious to their glares. He looked somewhat stupidly fascinated by his mysterious discovery. "There was a man who beat up bad guys! They were-"

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