Chapter 19: Cold War, Hot War

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Cold War, Hot War


Red eyes stared down at her. She backed away at an instant, feeling tiny under them like how she was now. Her eyes stayed fixed on them, they seemed unnervingly not human; they looked menacing. Darkness was all that she saw every time she turned, and no matter where she runs to, there was always that pair of red eyes and the endless cold darkness.

Weak….There was always this whisper following her everywhere.

She finally stopped, it seemed impossible to escape those red eyes. She panted, glancing up at the red eyes. "What are you?" She yelled.

But nothing came. The whispers just kept coming. Weak…Weak….

"Get me out of here!"

Again, nothing. However, there was a flicker of change to it this time. Those eyes unlike its unreadable earlier self, there was a hint of amusement in them.

The next thing she knew happened was that she was falling. The eyes still held amusement as they grew smaller and smaller.

Darkness followed after her as she fell, everything became complete black.


Estella woke up with a start.

Her chest heaved fast ups and downs as she stared wide- eyed at the ceiling of her poster bed. There was the bright morning sunlight on the floor from the gap between the curtains, and that presence was comforting.

She lay still, thinking about her dream. This was the third night she dreamt of this dream. They were always the same; she would always be yelling and all she always get was always would just be that amusement in those eyes. Falling would always be how they would end and that sets her to wonder where she was falling into. What she did know was that those eyes were definitely not human unless their owner's suffering a very serious eye infection.

She shuddered, grateful that it was already morning. She left the bed and walked towards the bathroom, could no longer stand staying in bed.


Ciel dropped the pen with a sigh of frustration. He glanced over to the grandfather clock and noted that it was already one. He couldn't focus on the paperwork and that was driving him nuts. All he could think about was his servant's unusual behavior. How she always bows to him every time they bump into each other, always avoiding his eye. Or addressing him as 'Master'. Sometimes, both.

He should be glad that she's finally acting as a servant but…it was something he just can't get used to or found annoying. She being an addition to his servants indeed made things interesting, far too interesting for him to think about a mere pawn so much.

Massaging his temples wearily, he stood up and walked over to the doors. Pulling open the doors with a sigh, he was out.

His arm dropped back to his side as he strolled away from his study, looking out of the windows as he moved down the hallway. He turned to round a corner, yelled in surprise when a flash of red suddenly appeared out from the other side and collided into him, sending him down. He heard it gave out a cry of surprise and next, he found himself staring up at a pair of ice blue eyes.

He saw shock flashed in them; an emotion that was now held in his. He then heard a curse and that was all before the weight on him was lifted off him.

Ciel quickly scrambled to his feet. "Blancbaston?" His eye widened in surprise at the person before him.

He frowned when she-in response-bowed to him. Like always ever since that day.

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