Chapter 16: Shit Happens

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Shit Happens


Damn, she's bored.

Yes, bored out of her mind but it definitely beats listening to someone droning on about their jeweleries and the parties they'd been to, which she don't give a freaking damn about. Just as Estella was racking her brain for ways to get some useful information from that Alice girl, Ciel stepped in and saved her poor ears, thank god.

A quick look around the room, a puzzled look appeared on her face when she realized the absence of Sebastian; Estella turned back to the dance floor once again. She stifled a yawn, the vision of the dancing duo behind her forming tears. Savagely wiping off those forming pools, her eyebrows furrowed into a frown.

There was that uncharacteristic smile again, she noted disdainfully. It makes her wonder whether she will ever get to see a real one. That's when she realized, she doesn't know a single thing about Ciel Phantomhive…Yes, she maybe did know something, just about his company and him being the Queen's watchdog was all. Her eyes narrowed at the male, following his every movement with curiosity.

"How do you find the ball, boy..?" Pulling her attention away from the duo, only to grow rigid the moment she turned to the speaker. Rigid with shock and fear was it.

Quickly composing herself, she turned towards him and glanced up to meet the familiar scarred face of Roger Eddington. "It's lovely. But, may I know who are you, Mister…?" She asked, trying not to sound nervous.

"Oh, sorry…I forgot to introduce myself." The man glanced down at her apologetically. "I'm Roger Eddington." He stuck a hand out towards her.

Grasping the hand, she forced out a smile. "I'm Adrian Blackwell." A shake of their hands, she quickly retracted her hand, fighting the urge to wipe it onto her coat the instant it was released. Maintaining a smiling face over the grimace of disgust which was dangerously close to surfacing, she watched a puzzled frown forming on his already-marred face.

Worry growing within her as she fought to not do stupid things like running from the man at the very moment, anything that will certainly make her look suspicious.

Swallowing the lump in her throat when she saw that he was going to ask her something, given from the puzzled frown, he did the exact. "How come-"

"Adrian." The owner of a voice which she was really grateful to for interrupting the man in the midst of his question, placed a hand on her shoulder. Snapping over to the speaker, her eyes widened slightly in surprise to see the male who was supposed to be dancing away with Alice on the dance floor, now beside her. The gratitude towards him was indescribable.

"It's time to go." Ciel said coolly, turning to Roger Eddington to acknowledge him with an equally cool nod. "Sorry, but he needs to go now."

"Sure." The man nodded back before turning back to her. "It was nice to meet you, Blackwell. Goodbye."

"Bye." She uttered, forcing another smile at him before turning away towards her waiting 'cousin'. "Let's go."

A heavy sigh of relief when she was nearing the entrance doors, she took a glance back at the on-going ball behind before turning to step through the doors to catch up with Ciel.

God, how glad was she to get out of there and she was sure throughout her life till now, the urge to get out of a ball had never been this strong before.


The carriage door swung closed behind them and they plopped down on the same seat, simultaneously letting out heavy sighs.

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