Chapter 10: The Watching Eyes

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The Watching Eyes


The melodious tune from the orchestra instantly greeted them the moment they stepped out into the brightly lit entrance hall. When an utter of 'Let's go' emitted from Ciel who was behind her, Estella nodded in response and took a step forward to start their progress towards the direction of the meeting point.

She then stopped in her tracks when her eyes landed on a pair of black loafers in front of her. Raising her head up to identify its owner, a small feeling of surprise stab at her as her eyes flicked up to the owner's face and widened as they landed on it. It was the butler of that Trancy boy. The name of his that she could only faintly recall as Clau...Clau….de.

A response from Ciel confirmed that her faint remembrance of his name was right.

"What do you want, Claude…?" The male behind her questioned with a voice filled with utter hostility.

The said butler gave a small bow before glancing up.

"My master ordered me to find the both of you."

Ciel narrowed his eyes at the butler in response and spoke to reply coldly.

"Apparently, there is no longer a need for that."

Not caring for a response, Ciel strolled forward and paused beside Estella. Jutting his chin towards the direction of the meeting point, he ordered.

"Let's go."

Without a word, Ciel strolled past the silent butler. Eyes following him, Estella flicked them over to the butler and gave him a curt nod before starting forward to follow. Gathering the fabric of her dress into fists, she quickened her pace so to catch up with the boy. Slowing down when she neared the boy, she trailed after him in a same strolling pace.

A sudden strong nagging urge to look back won and made her comply with it. Complying with the urge, Estella turned her head to look over her shoulder. Her eyes instantly widened in surprise to see that the butler was watching, not them but her,very intently with narrowed eyes. She shuddered inwardly at the realization that she was being watched very intently.

Frowning, she snapped her head back to the front. A stir of puzzlement and worry nagged at her. Estella could not help but shudder again as she could feel that disturbing feeling of the intense gaze on her. Usually when people do this, she would either yell at them or at least throw them a glare. But this time, she just could not even manage a glare at this particular male. Simply could not. The way the butler was eying her crept her out too much that the intensity of his gaze was making her shudder.

Tightening her hold onto the fabric in her fists, she let out a frustrated sigh and decided to brush off the feeling of that disturbing gaze.

Noticing from over the leading male's shoulder, Estella realized that her already-gathered companions was waiting at somewhere near the huge entrance doors. The instant they nearing the edge of the group, a high-pitched outcry greeted them.

"Ciel! ~"

Flicking her eyes over to the owner of that high-pitched outcry, she watched Elizabeth rushed towards the said boy. An amused smirk cracked across her face as she watched the said boy grew rigid at his approaching fiance.

"E-Elizabeth…?" His eye widened in horror at the approaching female.

His face distorted with pain when the female yanked him towards her and instantly wrapped her arms around him into a bone-crushing hug. The grimace of pain on his face made the smirk on her face widened as she watched on in amusement. The smirk on her face then drooped down when a familiar sing-song voice called out to her with her new nickname emitted from behind.

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