Chapter 29: That Butler, Let the Curtains Rise

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That Butler, Let the Curtains Rise


Sebastian shut the chest box close and glanced over at his master who he witnessed picking up a photo frame. The way his master's visible eye widened told him that his master had found something interesting.

"I see. So you found something in that photograph, Young Master." Sebastian approached the boy.

"Yeah. Sebastian, do you notice anything?"

Holding the frame in a steady gaze, Sebastian's interest piqued at the bald plump man who looked like he was in his sixties. "You are right." Ciel's eye went over to the man's ring Sebastian pointed at. "I have seen same hallmark as the one on this signet ring recently."

The boy's eyebrows rose in surprise at the ring he failed to notice. It was barely noticeable. "Signet ring? Hallmark? You can even see small things like that?"

"Yes, I am certain that this hallmark is…the same as the one at the base of Ms. Beast's prosthetic leg."

"This man has my attention." Ciel announced, placing the frame back to the shelf.

Sebastian gazed down at his pocket watch. "Young Master, it's almost time. This will be all for today."

"There's still Joker's tent. Since Blancbaston wasn't able to get out much yesterday night…" Ciel snatched the pocket watch from the butler's hand. "We're short on time, but we do have eight minutes." He took off in a run, tossing the pocket watch back to Sebastian. "When the encore is over, return here ahead of the troupe members and release the snakes! Alright?!"

Sebastian blinked in surprise as he watched Ciel disappear outside the tent.

"Yes, my lord."


The Earl rose at an eyebrow at the size of Joker's tent when he entered it, and head towards the trunk across him with a shrug of his shoulders. Lifting its lid up, he grimaced at the mess he found in the trunk. Pushing the pile of clothes aside, he peeled off a pair of socks that was lying on a letter which instantly caught his attention. Curiosity burned into that document as he picked it up.

Expensive… He noted as he ran his fingers across it.

Flipping the letter over, his gaze fell onto the words written on it.

'Tom, the Piper's son.'

Eye lingering on that, Ciel pulled out the paper sticking out of it. Two very familiar words struck him cold - 'Ciel Phantomhive'.

His eye widened as dread dawned upon him.

"Don't tell me my cover has been blown..." A whisper of horror escaped from his mouth.


Estella scowled at the little piece of crumpled paper in her hand as she read.

We're leaving now. Cover is blown. Meet us outside the circus, where we alighted from the carriage on the first day. At any cost, do NOT get caught!


Crushing the paper in her hand, she walked over to the cupboard her master and Freckles shared and threw its doors open.

Her shoulders slumped. "What the heck…?" She sighed at the empty spot Ciel's suitcase used to be in. This was no sick joke.

Shutting the furniture close, she dejectedly sat down on her bed. Stupid Phantomhive. Always putting me in crazy situations! How the hell am I going to get out of here without getting caught?

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