Chapter 8: The Lady

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The Lady


Her frown deepened even more in question when Meirin too gulped nervously, only answered her question. Flicking her eyes from side to side at the two, Estella asked her unanswered question again.

“Who, who…? Who is this ‘she’ were you two talking about….?”

Meirin snapped her head over to Bard before turning back to her. “Lady Elizabeth…The Young Master’s fiancée.”

Both of her eyebrows rose up at this information. “Oh? Phanto-…erm.… Master…has a fiancée…? He already has a fiancée at such a young age….?”

When Meirin nodded in confirmation, Estella could only return it with an incredulous look. “Seriously….? Wow.”

She nodded knowingly to herself at this new information. Then her head snapped up over to Bard when he spoke. “I-I think I would better be going to check it out…..”

Not waiting for any response, the blond male gingerly took a step forward and started strolling towards the door for his investigation. Watching as Bard disappeared out through the door with a raised eyebrow, Estella turned her attention back to the other female when Meirin gave out a sigh. Tilting her head in question, Estella shrugged and spoke to ask.

“Meirin. What’s so…..scary about Lady Elizabeth….?” She shrugged again, this time, indifferently at how big her co-workers were making a deal over the arrival of the Young Master’s fiancée.

Meirin tapped her index finger against her chin repeatedly in a rhythmic manner, pondering over an answer. The older female then rose up her head to answer.

“Aa….I’m not sure how I can explain…..” There was a brief pause before she continued. “…..She’s just…..a bit too….erm…..enthusiastic…”

Estella rose both eyebrows in puzzlement at her reply. “Enthusiastic….?”



Estella could not help but burst out into laughter the moment Bard entered the kitchen. The sight of him was too interesting to not burst out into laughter. There stood at the mouth of the door was a sulking Bard with arms hanging lifelessly at his sides, a lump on his head which she could finally recognize… a blond curly short hair wig. The way he sulked made it even harder to not laugh as the sulking look on his face reminds her too much of a little boy when he got his sweets taken away for him.

“W-What t-the h-hell are you w-wearing…? A w-wig…?” Her whole body shook as she stammered between laughter. Hearing another burst of laughter from the other female, she could not resist but let a smirk break across her face. Breathing hard to calm her laughter, Estella tilted her head the now fuming male in amusement.

Bard glared dangerously at his two female co-workers and snarled. “Hey! Not funny at all. Stop laughing, Meirin! And you! The new girl, wipe that stupid smirk off your face now!”

Yanking the wig off, the fuming male stormed towards them with arms folded across his chest. Foot tapping against the marble floor in an impatient manner, Bard narrowed his eyes at the two in annoyance.

Succeeding after struggling to make the smirk slip off into a poker face, Estella sighed in resignation before looking up at Bard. “Alright, alright…See, no more smirks.”

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