Chapter 44: The Ticking Clock

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Hushed voices from her audience broke into the intense silence which had followed her bold declaration after a few of unnerving seconds. Estella casted a brief glance at Ciel and Sebastian before turning to the front nervously.

She felt her throat tighten at the thought of revealing her darkest secret. A wisp of doubt and fear creeping into her mind once again as she imagined the consequences that might come after. What if she


Valeria's voice suddenly popped in. "Stop hesitating already! Go all the way, there is no point pondering over this stupid thing again. No more dragging this out, you moron, what is the point?"

Thinking about what Valeria had said, Estella sighed in resignation. "You're right. No more!" Her shoulders squared and she felt her resolve strengthen.

Estella set her determined gaze upon her audience and spoke again, loud and bold enough to draw back their attentions.

"Before you make any decisions, I have one more thing I would like to reveal about myself!" She reduced her volume when she was sure she had their attentions. "This information I'm about to reveal is going to be shocking and may result in your distrust towards me but I swear to you, I am certainly on your side and no chance in hell on SIGMA's!"

When Estella looked behind for a brief seeking of support particularly from Ciel, she was surprised to find herself already held by the intense gaze he had on her.

She could read it all on his face are you sure about this?

His concern, anxiety and a sort of resolve were hard to miss in that intensity as well.

Was she sure?

She wasn't sure but she was going to take Valeria's advice.

Estella held his gaze with the same intensity, returning her answer with a nod. While she held back no reservation against revealing her secret, she couldn't quell the nervous flutterings in her stomach.

She cleared her throat.

"As I'd said, SIGMA had experimented on me and I'm sure you are aware what kind of project they're working on." Estella said grudgingly, "Project Nemesis involves a blood fusion between a human's and a demon or an angel. Not too long ago, they have prided themselves on their first successful blood fusion experiment between a demon's and human's. They made the specimen close enough for it be the world's first demon-human hybrid."

"And that specimen happens to be right here..." She breathed in sharply. "Me."

Like she had predicted, gasps emitted from her audience. She could almost feel panic filling the room. And some were about to stand up and protest, especially the same bearded burly man from earlier.

"So are you saying y-you're a demon as well?" Apparently someone was faster than that burly man. "A h-hybrid?"

"Well yes and no," Estella explained calmly, "I'm human but at the same time there's a demon within me." She mulled for a moment, "Actually the better word to describe me in my scenario is that I'm a host-"

An abrupt loud slam from the other side of the room made her jump.

Estella turned her head and realized it was the burly man. His face held a mask of incredulity as he rose from his seat and jabbed an accusing finger at her. "She is...Or should I say it is a monster!" The man turned around to face the Queen and bowed at his waist before speaking. "Your Majesty, I suggest we lock it up. Along with Earl Phantomhive and his demon!"

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