Chapter 11: Embark

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The dark sky brightened up as the celestial ball of light peeked out of its horizon. Leaves rustled to the flow of the light morning breeze, dancing in air across the land where the Phantomhive manor stood on. The water in the fountain at the front of the manor's porch reflected a glimmer of the morning sun as it continued pouring down from the fountain chute. There on the large piece of land was a quiet Phantomhive manor which stood majestically in the shine of the morning sunlight. Somewhere in the manor, a man padded silently along a hallway.

Pausing, he took out his pocket watch from the inner pocket of his tailcoat before flipping it open to glance down at its face.


Snapping it back close, he slipped it back into his tailcoat. Looking up to glance down at the remaining stretch of the hallway, he frowned.

Didn't I already tell her to meet me out here at 7.20am sharp yesterday…?

Sighing softly in annoyance, he stepped forward to continue his way down the hallway and paused again when he reached a door. Raising a gloved hand, he gave a knock on its wooden surface.

He then frowned when there was no response. He then knocked again, this time, louder.


The lump under the soft cover of the bed stirred to the sound of a knock emitted from the door. Groaning groggily, she shifted to face away from source of the knock, lifting the cover over her head in attempt to block out the noise. Sighing in relief when there was silence once again, she snuggled her head into the pillow before settling down in comfort to go back to sleep again. Then a louder knock came while she was in the midst of drifting off to sleep. With closed eyes, she frowned in irritation.

"What….?" She drawled sleepily in annoyance, shifting again to rest on her other side.

A male voice then replied back in a firm tone. "Estella. It's past 7.20 already. Now, wake up."

Sighing exasperatedly, the said girl sat up and answered groggily. "Alright, alright….I'm up."

The male voice replied back. "Get yourself ready. I'll give you twenty minutes to prepare yourself. When I'm back, I want to see that you are already waiting outside here, understood?"

Rolling her eyes at that, Estella cleared her throat and spoke. "No problem, Sebastian. I'll definitely already be out there in no time!"

"Then see you in twenty minutes."

Sighing softly in annoyance, she spoke. "No problem!"

She was only met with silence.

Shrugging, Estella listened as the sound of footsteps grew fainter and fainter. Snorting when the hallway outside went into complete silence; she dropped back down onto the bed. Pulling the bed cover up to her chin, she turned to face away from the door, letting out a sigh.

She then scoffed. "Yeah, right."

Closing her eyes, Estella snuggled into her pillow and started to drift off to sleep again.


Narrowing his eyes was his instant reaction the moment they landed on a certain portion of the hallway ahead. Reaching into the inner pocket of his tailcoat, Sebastian slipped his pocket watch before expertly flicking it open. Glancing down at the face of it, he frowned at the answer of his unspoken question.

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