Chapter 20: Stranger Danger

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Stranger Danger


Her eyes drifted up to find herself staring up at a pair of green that were too bright for eyes, through the lenses of a red glasses.

"Who are you?"

A flash of surprise in them was all before they narrowed at her, looking menacingly down at her. The male flipped his hair haughtily. "Grell Sutcliff, the most beautiful shinigami of all!"

"Now, Sebas-chan…" His red long hair slapping against the side of her face when he abruptly snapped his head over to Sebastian had her cringing away from the dangling hair. "…WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THIS WOMAN?" She winced at the outburst.

Her eyebrows furrowed into an annoyed glare. A tap on his arm had Grell turning back to her again. "Mind you…Are you trying to make me deaf?" She asked with an incredulous look. "Get off, will you?"

A stare at her, he pouted. "Hmph. Not like you're that comfortable to sit on anyway." Immediately after he got off, he spun to Sebastian with a hurt look. "Sebas-chan! How can you do this to me? Got another red head to replace me?" Dramatic tears welling up in his eyes as he leaped towards Sebastian, throwing his arms open. "My dear Sebas-chan! What have beautiful Grell ever done to you?"

Estella grimaced when Grell landed hard on the spot where the butler supposedly stood. Sebastian just stood there, staring down at the red head with irk on his face. "You assaulted our carriage man, wasted our time and won't stop with your antics." He said, ticking off monotonously.

The red head leaped up and grabbed Sebastian by his shoulders, shaking him. "We loved each other! We even planned to have five kids! How can you…say that?" He said tearfully.

Watching the scene with a raised eyebrow, she turned to Ciel who was staring at the duo with disgust, his eye particularly on the red head. He turned to her when she uttered for his attention. "What?"

"They planned to have five kids? Isn't that person a male?" She whispered, eyes still fixed on Sebastian and Grell.

"He is. That idiot is just very annoyingly infatuated with that stupid demon…I meant butler." Ciel cleared his throat, cussing inwardly at himself for his slip." By the way, why are you whispering…?" He frowned.

"Well…" She shrugged. "…I don't know."

She winced when Sebastian sent Grell flying into the trees behind them, feeling a little sympathy for the red head.

"Sebastian." Ciel behind her started the moment the said butler stopped in front of them."Get Mr. Albert into the carriage with us. You take the front." He ordered.

A bow from Sebastian was all before Ciel strolled towards the carriage door and disappeared into the carriage.

Estella turned back once again to Sebastian after watching her master disappear into the carriage. "Need help with that man?" She gestured at their unconscious carriage man who lay sprawled on the ground.

Sebastian shook his head. "Just head in."

"Alright then." With a nod, she turned to join Ciel.


A soft slam of the door had Estella turning away from the window to see Sebastian taking a seat beside Ciel who too turned to the sound.

Sebastian explained the moment he saw their confused frown. "Mr. Albert has awakened."

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