Chapter 17: Spider's Web

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Spider's Web


Okay, I officially hate tonight.

I was sent off to do some insane mission of following Elliot Van Rayden into a freaking SIGMA's hideout, ran from SIGMA's men and ended up in Crazy Trancy's carriage, kidnapped and now heading towards his manor. All I wanted to do was to head back and curl up in my comfy bed. I think someone from above or maybe the male clinging onto me who is none other than Alois Trancy, must really hate me to actually ruin my plan.

"Stop fidgeting, Luka..." The tightening of his arms around my waist that was subsequently pressing me closer to him left me unable to move any further away from him and also had me to stop my squirming as I shuddered at the breath that tickled the crook of my neck when he spoke.

The weight on my shoulder shifted. "I missed you so much, Luka...Do you miss me too?" The male asked quietly, again making me shudder when his breath once again lightly brushed across the skin of my neck.

"No." I glared down at his blond hair. "Get off me, Trancy." I nudged irritably at the male but whom-to my annoyance- in return, stubbornly tightened his arms around my waist.

"Looks like someone has forgotten again~" His head tilted up, greeting me with a glint of amusement in his light blue eyes. "It should be 'Your Highness'."

I sighed. "What do you want...? And why are you here...?"

This, to my surprise and delight, had him getting his head up from my shoulder, throwing his hands up cheerfully. "Of course to save Luka!"

I blinked blankly at him. Save me?

My eyebrows furrowed into a frown at him. "But how did you know...?"

"I just know~" He twirled a blond lock between his fingers, waving his other hand airily at me.

"Right, you just know." I deadpanned. "What do you mean by you just-"

"Don't worry, Luka..." My face scrunched up into puzzled lines as I glanced up from the black lump of wig on my lap, only to see him glaring very heatedly at the fist he raised in front of him. "Those men will pay for trying to hurt my Luka..." His upper lip curled up into a snarl at his trembling fist. "They'll pay....I'll get them for you!"

I shot him an awkward smile, suddenly feeling scared for pursuers. Oh, I'll hate to be them because Alois Trancy looks ready to kill right now.

"Relax..." I gingerly reached out to give him a pat on his shoulder."It's okay."

"Luka!" I jerked back, blinking numbly back at the excited smile on his face.

Whoa, wasn't he all glaring and ready to kill someone just now? Is it even possible to be angry and suddenly completely happy in the next second?

"You're going to be staying at my manor! And the next morning, I'll get Ciel to join us for tea! Aren't you excited?" Taken back by how those blue eyes of his that they seemed to be sparkled at me when he said that, I merely said. "No, I'm not."

I gave him a quick shake of my head. "Besides, who says I'll be staying in your manor? Please get me back to the Phantomhive manor; I would like to retire for the night, thank you very much." I glanced up to look him straight in the eye, only to see him sulking.

"Luka...." He whined.

A pang of guilt from nowhere came at me at the disappointed look. Damn it, why the hell do I feel guilty?

"No. I am NOT going to stay at your manor, I'm going back to the Phantomhive manor whether you like it or not. And that's final." This was what I imagined myself to say. But instead, I hear myself saying, "Fine, I'll stay." And then I paused the minute I finished that reply, slapping a hand over my mouth. Holy cow, what the fuck did I say?

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