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"It's okay. You're the best for this. You are strong, willing and the best out of all these. I mean you was trained by me of course you are."
You laughed.
"You are the bravest 10 year old I know and you will do what's right."
She cupped her hands around your head.
"Remember never kill the defenceless, you'll do great."
"It's time Miyata."
"I'm gonna miss you Niko."
"I'll miss you to (Y/N). But I'll always be here" she points to your head, "You'll see me all the time"
"Niko Miyata do you accept this cadet as a worthy holder of your Titan"
"I accept"
They in inject you with the serum and you change, you walk to the rocks in front of you and grab your trainer and swallow her hole.
You change back and see a flash in you mind.
"I see you"

~8 years later~

A Marleyan Love Story ~ Jean x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now