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Reader POV~

In my cellar later that day I was just staring at the wall opposite me while sat on the floor with my back to the wall when i heard a bang on the other side, it was Eren being an annoying shit as per usual. He would clearly get bored easily and just start banging on the walls and bars to entertain himself, "Hey do you wanna stop." I said with an aggravated to tone, i heard the banging stop for a moment, he must have heard me yell at him. "whats your deal?" i heard him ask me, i was confused why he wanted to start a conversation,

"What do you mean?"

"Your Titan is supposed to be incredibly strong, yet I managed to beat you easi-"

"Hey! they had me turning into a titan all the time that day for tests, like i said at my strongest I would be able to beat you." I heard him scoff and he then took a long pause,

"Fine, if your so strong, then why are you giving them the information on your titan. You know they're just going to do more test on you right?" he finally said in more of a softer tone, I hope he wasn't being serious, I was fed up of the test back in Marley, "and you have technically just given the enemy your power."

"No I didn't, I know what I'm doing Yeager"

"You sure about that? Cause the next thing you know, they'll just move you to your own room, make you think you better off here, then kill you after you've helped them defeat your real family." Just as he said this i started to get flashbacks of Niko and me, she was my family, it didn't matter to me about everyone else I had to think about what she would do. And what I'm doing now is what she would have done.

"Filling her head with rubbish, Eren?" just then someone walked into the cellars, it was Levi, he was stood in front of Eren's cell staring at him for a moment then his sight changed to my direction, he walked over to my cell and looked at me on the ground, "Stand up brat" I rose to my feet slowly and walked over to the bars of my cell draping my arms in the gaps and let them dangle in front of Levi, "What?" I said slightly annoyed, "Hange has decided to move you sooner than tomorrow, someone will come to move you in an hour." I stepped back and he  walked off and out of the cell block, I guess maybe Eren could be right, I mean he would know, he's one of them. But right now all I want to do is get away from Eren he does my absolute head-in so I'm glad I'm moving.

Meanwhile ~ Jean POV~

Hange called for another meeting so me, Captain Levi, Connie, Armin and Mikasa where gathered together again. We was stood around a different table more of a round one this time and we was all stood around it, "What's this meeting about?" Armin asked Hange, "It's about her, the girl-"
"(Y/N)" I butted in, they looked at me confused as to why I knew her name and why it even matter to them, I don't know what I said it either I just looked down at started to go red, "Yeah, (Y/N)." Hange continued, "Her Titan is insane, it abilities are absolutely crazy, she's like all 9 combined." The rest of us still looked at her confused, "Yeah well done for stating the obvious four-eyes. But why does this matter?" Levi asked and to be fair, I was wondering the same thing.

"The gir- (Y/N) could be useful, the Titan is the best out of the 10. We need her help." I don't see how this would work, why would she help us. She's a Marleyan and is probably waiting for her comrades help as we speak she would never work with us. "Hange, that would never work. She'd have to trust us and we'd have to trust her and to be honest, right now I don't." Connie comments on Hange's idea, they all begin to mutter amongst one another apart from Levi who just stood and watched.

Mikasa agreed with Connie while Armin agreed Hange. I watched them bicker and as I scanned them I saw Levi staring at me in the corner of my eye, I double take him and when I look at him he's stood with his arms crossed and just had the same stern look on his face as usual but this time his eyes were more narrowed, he was glaring at me. I didn't know what he wanted me to do, but he just kept the glare focused on me. I tired to figure out what he might want me to say but I know what I think about this, does he know what I think about it? Is that why he's asking me to say something? I really don't know but I speak my mind anyway, "I trust her." I said bluntly they stopped bickering and turned to look at me then  I looked at Levi and his glare changed to his normal stern face again. "Well obviously not full trust just yet but I understand her, so I can trust her."

"Jean are you serious? She's one of them... she's from Marley." Connie said,
"But she's still an Eldian." We turned our heads and it was Levi that made this comment, "she still one of us, just grew up under the wrong stories."
"I agree. If we can get her to see the truth then she will trust us but you have to trust her first otherwise she could think we are using her to just kill her after." I stated. Connie looked at Mikasa and sighed, "I guess I could try to trust her, but she'll have to prove her trust." Mikasa suggested, Hange, Levi, Armin and I nodded and Connie nodded in agreement with Mikasa.

"Levi, go tell (Y/N) we'll be moving her in an hour." Hange orders and Levi leaves the meeting room.
"Connie and Armin prepare a room for (Y/N) for her to gain our trust we have to give her better living space than a shitty cell." Connie and Armin nod and leave the meeting room leaving, Mikasa, Hange and I in there.
"You two will move out later while Levi and myself are helping to preparing a meal for the squads."
I nodded and left the room while Mikasa followed slowly behind.
I was walking to my room when Mikasa caught up with me, "what did you mean you understand her?" I gasped from the shock of her being there and responded quietly, "she lost someone that was like a sister to her, I lost someone that was like a brother. Marco." She didn't reply at first, she just looked directly ahead without any emotion, I can see the resemblance between her and Levi with that face. "He would have fitted in here well." She whispered then looked up at me, I hung my head and nodded slowly, "I know." I reached my room and said bye to Mikasa.

I took off my coat and sat down on my bed brush my hair back with my hands and looked at the paper on the side of my bed. I drew a picture a long time ago, but I've kept it for 6 years. It was a picture of Marco I drew while we was still training and I then added to it when he passed 4 years ago, I drew everyone else around him, I drew the new family I got. It was a better time when I drew this everyone was still happy, they were smiling but now I feel like I haven't smiled in years. I picked my legs up and placed them on my bed and laid down with my arm behind my head and rested my eyes for a bit until I had to get up again.

A Marleyan Love Story ~ Jean x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now