In The Pit

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Reader POV ~

We was gathered outside while Willy Tybur gave a speech, Me, Pieck, Zeke, Porco and Colt were sat closer to the front but Reiner was not sat with us. Gabi, Zofia and Udo were sat in front of us on the floor so I tapped Gabi's shoulder and grabbed her attention, "Gabi, where's you cousin? He should be here." She looked around for Reiner and when she saw he wasn't anywhere she turned back to me, "I'm not sure Falco isn't here either, he might be with him" I nodded and sat back in my seat between Pieck and Zeke just as Willy's speech began.

Just as he started to speak a Soldier walked over to the 5 of us saluting as he did. "Warriors of Marley, Commander Magath has summoned you" he said, I noticed this soldier had quite a feminine tone and so had Pieck. The four of us stood up and followed the soldier out of the plaza and Colt stayed with the kids.

As we made a certain distance she dismissed Zeke to the gates and told us to keep following her down an alley, "I feel like I know you from somewhere? Where are you stationed?" Pieck asked the soldier, the soldier turned his head slightly to Pieck, "Out west by Lakua but they sent me down here, however that was not for me to chitchat with Eldians, even if they are warriors" I turned to Pieck using my face telling her to shut up and she just smirked slightly, "will isn't that a shame I started to take a real liking to your beard" Porco and I turned to look at Pieck wondering what the hell she was doing, I looked at Porco just as concerned and he returned the look but we continued walking.

We was about to reach the end of the alley when we heard shouting from behind us, "Oh! Pieck!" Said a voice, we turned sharply and the panzer unit,  Pieck ran over to them and gave them a hug while Porco and I waited for her to return she was there for a long time and the pair of us noticed the soldier grow impatient.

She came back to us and the soldier was clearly pissed off by Pieck tuning off, but why, what was so important that it would anger the soldier so much, "what are you doing? Let's go." The angered soldier said to Pieck, he started to walk away but Porco and I waited to talk to Pieck, "what was that?" Porco asked with a slight chuckle, "what? Those soldiers road the Cart Titan into battle. I need their support so I try to build a bond with them" Porco and I turned to the unit and I turned back slowly, "Uh no offence Pieck but it seems like you did more harm than good" "I agree Pieck, they look traumatised" Pieck gave them and look and we caught up with the soldier who lead us to a building.

We walked into the empty room and looked around slightly confused, "Sooo, where's commander Magath?" Porco said looking around and then over his shoulder, Pieck turned around and to her surprise the soldier had finally made eye contact with them and was holding a knife, "Porco! (Y/N)!"
I turned as well and saw the soldier cut a piece of rope before we had the chance to do anything, the floor boards beneath us opened up and we fell through into a giant hole under the ground screaming from the top of your lungs.

We hit the ground, Porco had broke his wrist and Pieck broke her ankle, my shoulder had removed its self from its socket so we all sat while it healed. "Shit. That hurt" Porco commented, "What the hell s this place?" I added, Pieck looked around and the place we had landed, "looks like a pit meant to detain warriors like us." She paused and looked up at the gap where the floor boards had dropped "a classic. It to small for us to transform down here an-" I interrupted her, "and with the 3 of us down here, we would just crush each other" Porco grunted, "Got it. I'm still confused though, what is that solidest plan?" You huffed and shrugged to Porcos question standing up to see if you could find a way up, "I couldn't tell you, they really were familiar though, I know that much" Pieck responded.

Jean POV~

That damned psycho, pulling a stunt like this. Why, why get us involved, he said himself we were the most important people to him. That was the whole point of none of us taking his Titan, but now he's sending us all in for a plan we turned down multiple times.

Reader POV~

The sides of the pit began to crumble slightly, bits of rock poured down the walls slowly, "What the hell's going on out there?" I asked put my hand on the ground next to me to support myself in the position I was sat, when I felt and hand fall on top of mine, it was quickly removed but considering Pieck was sat in front of me, I knew it was Porco, I turned my head looking at him and he looked embarrassed almost, I just smiled and turned back to Pieck, "based on the tremors, a pair of Titans must be fighting" we couldn't see this but The War-Hammer Titan had risen to fight another Titan, the Attack Titan, Eren Yeager was on our land, the one we had fought to find was right here.

"We have to get out of here" Pieck said standing up, Porco rose to his feet and held out his hand for me to get up, "How do we do that?" He asked while hoisting me to my feet, and at that moment all three of us heard footsteps and chattering from above, we looked up and Pieck yelled, "your late!" Five heads peered over the edge of the pit and looked down on you, it was the panzer unit. "What are they doing here?" Porco asked as the put rope down the pit, "I was suspicious of the bearded soldier" Pieck began, "so you tipped them off. that extremely long hug was you telling them to follow us right?" I asked her, she nodded her head slowly and looked to the rope and tugged it to make sure it was tight, they pulled her up then me and then Porco and you rose to the top.

A Marleyan Love Story ~ Jean x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now