Him and Her

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Reader POV~

It's been a week that I have been stuck here now and to be honest its not so bad. I've gotten to see what it's like for them living here and who they really are, and they're just like anyone else they are no different to us. I don't know why I grew up on these stories I was told that are clearly lies, they are just trying to survive, like any of us are. Back in Marley that's all I did, that's why I try so hard as the Titan because they could kill me at any point if they wanted to, it's always been about survival.

Jean POV~

(Y/N) has been with us for a week now and I think she is finally starting to trust us, she seems to be getting along well with most of the squad members and even Mikasa is starting to take a liking to her. I hope she is starting to see what we actually are and what we are doing her, we aren't some island devils that are trying to kill for no reason, we are just people who have been fighting our whole lives, we have just been trying to survive for these past 9 years, it's always been about survival.

I was taking a walk around the castle and i saw Hange and Levi by the back doors looking out, it was pouring with rain so i was a bit unsure as to why. I walk over and join them at the doors and I saw what they were looking at. I looked out to the stables and saw (Y/N) in there, she was just grooming the horses, "I think shes trusting us." Hange commented, I turned to look at her, "me too. I've got to tell you Hange although I agreed with you, I was still unsure if she would trust us, this fast anyway. But it's worked clearly. Hearing them both saying they see it as well reassured me that I was correct, I'm glad she's trusting us, she could really help out.

Hange and Levi turn back into the castle doors but i was still stood there, I could see her smile all the from over here. I suddenly felt the corners of my mouth rise, I didn't realise I was doing it but she was making me smile. Seeing her with the horses and happy made me happy, "Hey, shitty Beard," Levi said behind me, "you coming?" I turn to Hange and Levi who are stood looking at me, "You guys go, I'll be there in a bit" they both walk off and turn back around to look in (Y/N)'s direction. I decide to walk over to her, I like helping with the horses so why not.

I'm about to reach the stable and I see (Y/N) bend down to re top the food trays and then the horse whipped its head around and its mane hit (Y/N) in the face causing her to lose balance, i pick up my pace and run to catch her before she fell down. I caught undernath her arms as she fell into my arms hitting her back on my chest, I saw her look up at me and I helped her back to her feet.
"Y-you? What are you doing here?" She asked,
"Well- uh, I was walking by and saw you in here, so I came over then saw you about to fall and caught you."
"You was taking a walk? In the rain?"
"No, no I was walking in the castle and saw you out here."
"Right. So you wasn't stood over there with Hange and Levi as they watched me then?"
I turned away from her and started blushing a little bit, she obviously saw us all there, brilliant.

I walk around the other side of the horse she was with and started to brush its mane, "In my defence I went to see what they were looking at in the first place and it just happened to be you, I only came over to see the horses." I looked around the horses head and see her looking at me with a slightly smirk and narrow eyes, she clearly didn't by the fact I came to see the horses but that didn't bother me. I let out a slight chuckle and carried on brushing the horse.

Reader POV~

I saw him smile at me from behind the horse and then continue brushing the horse, I don't know what it was but something about that smile- anyway, I walked to the front of the horse and picked up some food to feed her, I then caught a glimpse of Jean brushing the horse and I was shocked, "Oh my god! Are you trying to pull her poor mane out!?" I said to him, I walked over and snatched the brush from his hand, "What are you talking about I'm gentle"
"No, you're rough."
"Well show how it's done then"
I nodded and waved the brush in his face, what did he think I was about to do, I brush her mane softly, "see?" There's a few seconds of silence then I feel a hand touch mine and I look at it to see Jean putting his hand in mine and I stopped, "guide me." He said, softly and smiling at me, I look back at the horse and start brushing her mane again.

"Right, I see." He said following my hand, I put my hand down and turn around, he was so close to me I had to pull my arms in so I didn't hit him as I turned around. I looked up into his eyes and he was just looking down at me smiling, I passed him the brush back and moved to the front of the horses face again to carry on feeding her,
"Celeste seems to like you" he commented,
"This is my horse, Celeste. She doesn't let a lot of people near her apart from me so she clearly likes you.", I looked at the white horses, beautiful black eyes and smiled, "hm, guess so." I smiled at Jean and he returned to grooming her.

It was about 10 minutes later so we started packing everything away to make our way back to the castle. I looked out the stable and saw the rain still tumbling down and scoffed. "here" I heard from behind me then I felt a long coat be draped over me, "I already got soaked on my way over to you", Jean had given me his jacket to wear to cover the rain from me, it was sweet. I smiled at him and then we both walked out to the castle, well started to walk until we realised how fast it was coming down, we quickly picked up the paced and sprinted to the castle doors. We nearly slipped over in the mud severally times which sent us into hysterics until we reached the doors. It wasn't till we got into the castle that I realised we was holding on to each other's arms, we must have done it trying to keep ourselves on our feet. I quickly let go and laughed awkwardly before taking off his jacket to give it back to him, "thanks for the jacket"
"No problem" he smiled at me as he took it in his arms and I quickly walked away to go to my room, I knew his was literally next door to mine so we could have walked together but after what just happened I had to be alone.

Jean POV~

(Y/N) walked away pretty quickly, I don't know why she ran off our rooms are right by each other she might have well just walked down with me, hmm, was something up with her. I turn to walk in the other direction to continue my walk from earlier and I see Connie stood there, "Jeeeesus Christ, Connie! You scared the shit out of me... what do you want?" He just stood with his arms a crossed looking at me taking a very, very long pause, then her finally spoke, "Hanging around with the Titan?" He questioned, still staring me down,
"She not that bad you know."
"Shes till the enemy Jean."
"I can't believe your still on that, have you not seen that she trusting us. Even Mikasa is talking to her Connie. Trust her." I start to walk past him to carry on walking but he grabs my arm, I gasp and look down at his hand wrapped around the top of my arm he was still looking dead ahead but said quietly, "Well I don't. And you shouldn't either." He let go of me and walked away. I watched him leave, surprised to see a side like that from him, he'll change his mind soon I'm sure he will.

A Marleyan Love Story ~ Jean x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now