Raid On Liberio

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Reader POV~

We ran out of the buildings and that's when the panzer unit told us about the Titans fighting, Pieck asks for the cart armour and told them to have it ready in 10 minutes. Pieck, Porco and I stood just outside the door, "I'm going on ahead" Porco said starting to storm away, I grabbed his arm quick before he could get to far, "Hold on Porco, don't rush in until you know it's your-" you saw Porco looking up in the sky shocked and just then you heard wires flying and turned around, "there's no way" Pieck began, "How'd they get here?!" We looked up to the sky and and saw them, the survey corps flying through the skies.

Then I saw him, they guy from the newspaper stand, Pieck was right, he had Eldian eyes and this now explains the no band, he was one of them. A devil. "I'm going to find the panzer unit and get ready in Titan form, you two go to see what's happening with the war-hammer and that other Titan" Pieck ordered to me and Porco we ran off in the other direction sprinted to the plaza.

Jean POV~

That was them, the girls from the streets last week, one spotted me. As I flew past I made dead eye contact with her. We flew around on our ODM gear aiming for any soldiers in our way then landing on a roof top near the Eren and War-Hammer fight, we saw Eren emerge from his Titan waiting on top while we squared behind the wall on the roof, "Eren Yeager, do you have any last words?" the War-Hammer Titan questioned holding a weapon in its hand. Eren glared up at the War-Hammer and uttered, "It's now or never... Mikasa." She swung in and shot three thunder spears into the nape of her neck and tugged on them, that girl was something else, really.

"You guys actually came, I see you got my letter" Eren said to Mikasa, it was hard to work out what they were saying considering they were so far but I heard Mikasa telling him to come home, no begging. The War-Hammer got back on her feet and stood to swing at Eren but Mikasa picked him up a flew over to a water tower but the rubble from the plaza. He told Mikasa to distract the War-Hammer while e found a way to kill it when he saw it, in the ground a trail to where the War-Hammer must be, I saw him dive down and transform mid air digging his hand in the ground and pulling it out, it was in a crystal much like Annie's... now what.

Reader POV~

Me and Porco ran to the scene and saw the Attack Titan holding Miss Tyber's crystal with her inside, Porco cursed next to you and started to walk forward raising his arm to his mouth but you stopped him, "Porco! What are you doing?" I said looking at him with fear in my eyes, he saw that fear and looked at me, "I'm going to get that son of a bitch Yeager and end this." I scoffed at his remark, "no, what you are going to do is get yourself killed, I'm going" quickly his face changed from anger to shock and he stepped in front of me hold both my arms, "okay now your the one that sounds insane, why do you think I would ever let you do that in a million years (Y/N)!" You could see he was scared for you but you just smiled at him softly, "this is what my Titan was made for"
"No your Titan was made to end people not capture them, we still need Eren alive to get his Titans and their abilities" I leaned in and hugged him, I thought he was returning the hug when he pushed me back and ran in the direction of the fight, he bit his arm and leaped on a wall a bit behind Erens Titan holding the War-Hammer's body, "shit, Porco" I cursed under my breathe and ran behind a building a little further away.

Jean POV~

Before I knew it I saw another Titan leap at Erens neck, the Jaw Titan. It had harden skin on it face and much bigger than Ymir ever was, this must be the blonde boy I saw talking to Reiner and Zeke last week, as he was about to bite down something cut the side of his jaw, Levi had spun down and cut his mouth stopping the Jae Titan from being able to bite down on him and rip Eren right from his nape.

Eren ran back pushing him into the build when I heard a yell from the ground, it was the girl that I made eye contact with early from the streets, "PORCO!" She yelled, that must be the Jaw Titans name, "That girl, is she one of the ones that said she was a warrior?" Connie asked me, I nodded my head still looking at this girl, "If you guys are done drooling over another girl, will you help out over here." Sasha commented, I grunted and Connie and I started to walk towards the rest of the squad on the roof when a flash of light come from behind me, I recognised that flash anywhere another Titan.

Connie turned and looked at the Titan grow, he described it as another female but this female Titan had more skin than Annie's Titan, I turned and looked at it too. The Titan had hardened skin on her knuckles and around her face like a helmet, her eyes where a (E/C) and medium length (H/C) hair, I recognised it, that must have been the girl from below that told us the Jaw's name. We still don't know what her Titan is but as she stood to her feet she looks pissed, she charged for Eren causing him to drop the War-Hammer Titan.

She went for his arms and so did he, they were equally strong holding each others hands trying to tie each others down to there sides but they didn't move, neither of them until the Jaw Titan started to rise to his feet again when Levi threw a thunder spear where the Jaw Titans hand was and it flashed in her eyes causing her to let go and Eren punched her stomach.

Reader POV~

I try to only transform when I'm really needed, it really drains me being in this form considering how much energy my Titan uses. But when I saw Porco in trouble I knew I needed to step in, although I did not consider the strength of Yeager's abilities. When he punched me in the gut I felt my Titan grow weak, I was struggling to keep my eyes open and stared to become faint. Where the hell is Pieck and the panzer unit, we need their help or we're going lose.

I was stumbling but managed to come to my feet, I settled my foot in the ground and held one arm down buy my waist and the other straight up in front of my face and Eren looked at me as if he was questioning what I'm doing, and to be honest I was questioning myself too, I'm not in the best condition to fight but I tried anyway. It wasn't long before Eren threw a fist to my face while I wasn't able to defend myself and he knocked me to the ground. I was out for minutes but when I woke up and finally emerged from my Titan I saw the horrible sight, Yeager had pulled the last limb left on Porco's body, "Porco! No!" I screamed but Eren didn't acknowledge that I was awake again, he put the War-Hammers crystal in Porco's mouth and started to crush it over his head with his mouth open.

No, no. He was going to make Porco crush the Titan so he can eat the War-Hammer and gain her power, I wanted to help but there was nothing I could do, I was too weak now I couldn't create another Titan with the state I'm in. I watched in horror as she was crushed and Eren swallowed he and the blood that came from the break of the crystal, it was traumatising, Eren pushed Porco's head into the ground and stood up as he thought he rained victorious.

I ran to Porco's damaged Titan and pulled him out of his nape, and took him behind a building to hide him while her recovered. I heard yelling from a building close by, it was Gabi and Falco, I don't know how Falco found a way back from where every he was but he was alive that's all that mattered. They were yelling for Reiner and then moments later the armoured Titan emerged from the ground.

Jean POV~

Before I knew it the Beast Titan came into the fight and I saw another Titan crawl over a wall with a load of armour on its back, that must be the cart Titan. A pair from the the troupes went to attack Reiner but the cart weapons blew them to smithereens, I had to hide and come up with a plan before it saw me.

The cart stood on the roof with Zeke in front of her. Moments later a flash came from a distance, the second part of our plan, Armin was transforming and that distracted our enemies just for long enough. Levi swung in a cut the nape of beast cause him to fall to the ground. And now I knew it was my chance for my plan to set off. I heard the gunshots Sasha let out and then I heard the cart speak, "you will pay for that!" And that was my cue, I grunted and swung over the wall and shot a thunder spear right between its eyes, the Titan's vision was now impaired, this was our chance, 3 more troupes members came from behind and shot at the cart and the people in its armour, it exploded right before my eyes and I saw it tumble down the back of the building.

While we was fighting the cart and beast Eren was fighting Reiner and he was clearly no match for Eren, we won, if you'd count winning as losing half your comrades.

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