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Jean POV~

It had been an hour now and I just walked out my room when Hange walked past, "time to get the girl"... what did she think I was doing. I met up with Mikasa and we walked down the halls not talking to each other, I swear she hardly speaks these days, I would talk but if I ever want her to see me the way I see her I'd have to come of a little bit tolerable.

We reached the stair case to the cells and I let her go down first, "This won't work" she said, she always starts a conversation as if we had been talking this whole time but I still respond however slightly confused, "what's do you mean?"
"She won't trust us. Levi was silly to call her an Eldian, she's from Marley, she calls her own kind devils. It won't work."
"If you don't trust her Mikasa then she won't trust us."
"Well then that's a problem," we reached the bottom of the steps in front of the door to the cells and she turned to look at me, "because I don't trust her." She opened the door the door for me to the cells and I walked in first walking to the end cell which (Y/N) was in.

Reader POV~

These were pretty thin walls and doors, I heard Jean and Mikasa's conversation through the door and so did Eren, "I told you." He whispered, "you never said they had to trust me though. You could be wrong, so shut it." They both walked in and Jean came and stood in front of my cell right in front of my face while I was stood with my arms out of the bar again, "step back" Jean said to me softly, I pulled my arms in slowly backing away from his face and he unlocked the cell door pushing it towards me, he walked in and guided me out, "no ties this time?" I asked but he didn't reply.

When I stepped out of the cell I saw Mikasa just staring into Erens cell and he was stood like I was in front of her, Jean and I walked past her and then stopped at the door way, "Come on Mikasa" Jean ordered, and she started to trail towards the door, "Goodbye Mikasa." Was all he said as she stood by the door ready to close it, she looked over her shoulder for one last glance at Eren and then closed the door as she walked out.

I walked between Jean and Mikasa as the walked me to down a long hallway, they were both awfully quiet and I hated awkward silences. "I asked about the ties earlier and didn't get a response so, how come I'm not tied up and being pushed around?" I looked up and Jean and then to my right at Mikasa, "We're trying to trust you more, so not tying you up to see if we trust you to not run off." Jean said still looking straight ahead,
"Right, well do you trust me yet Mikasa?" She looked across at me, "I heard your two's conversation earlier." Mikasa gaze turned back to ahead of her,
"No. I don't. And it's gonna take a lot more than walking without running off for me to trust you." I shrugged I smirked, "loosen up a little" and then I just carried on walking.

Jean POV~

I like this girl. I know I probably shouldn't but although I don't want o admit it earlier she's kind of funny, the comment she just made couldn't be more true, Mikasa was really uptight. And when she called Levi tiny, I think we all tried to hold in our sniggers. I laughed subtly at what she said to Mikasa and she clearly wasn't happy about that since Mikasa's head spun in my direction stern as ever and I turned my head back to the front to carry on walking. "This is your room," I said to her, "my room is next door for if you have any questions." She nodded at me and I opened the door.

"Bed. Wardrobe. Bathroom. Bedside table. Make yourself at home." I pointed out to her while stood by the door and she walked in looking around at the place, she seemed happy. I was stood holding the door open and Mikasa was next to me, "Thanks. I appreciate it" (Y/N) said and smiled at me and then turned her head to Mikasa, "bye bestie" she said waving and we started to walk out, I sniggered again and Mikasa hit my stomach, "Ow" I whispered as I shut the door. I walked in the opposite direction to Mikasa as I was walking to my room to get some rest before tonight's meal, I opened the door and shut it again fast and flopped myself on my bed.

Reader POV~

I was looking around at the room they had given me, I was surprised at how spacious it was. The place back home is quiet cramped as I live with Pieck and her huge family, but this was really nice, although... everything Eren said is happening, they've moved me to my own room. Can I trust them?

No, I need to stop. Why would I listen to a homicidal maniac like Eren Yeager. It didn't matter anyway, this was all part of my plan to get out of here and that's what I still plan on doing, get out find Gabi and Falco and get home.

It had been another hour or so and I heard a knocking on my door which made me sit up straight, "you can come in" I yelled to the door, "Hey, we're eating now." It was Jean at my door, he wasn't in his usual uniform, he was just wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and buttons undone at the top to go with his black trouse-. What the fuck. Why am I like examining what he's wearing, get a grip (Y/N). "Oh okay." I stand up and walk over to the door and he was still leaning on the door handle keeping it open so I squeezed past him in the doorway and he shut the door behind me.

We were walking down the hall, him with his hands in his pockets and I had my arms crossed "Is it true that all you eat is potato stew?" I asked, that's what Reiner had told us all, unfortunately he had no one to back his facts since that Armin took Bertholdt from us and Annie's still in that Crystal Reiner told us about. Jean sniggered, "yeah most the time. You get used to it eventually" he turned and looked at me and I quickly turned my head away.

We walked into the hall and got our trays of food and when I turned around I saw people looking at me and whispering, "wow, this is... fun" I said sarcastically, "come sit over here, the squads gonna wanna sit with you and learn more to trust you." Jean said as we walked to the back table.

We got there and it was the same people I was with in the meeting room, which was good as if they are gonna be talking about my Titan I don't want the others to know about it. I sat between Jean and Armin and no one really said anything to me, they were all really quite then Hange said something with a mouth full of potatoes, "So (Y/N), what's it like in Marley?" I thought this was a strange question considering what's just happened there but I answer anyway, "It's okay. Most the people are nice, living's a bit cramped."
"Yeah?" She replied,
"Yeah, well I live with my friend and her family so it's not very spacious." They all suddenly went quiet, I'm sure they would have assumed the worst considering I live with another family, and what they assume would be correct.

"So your families dead?" Levi asked bluntly and Hange nudged him in the arm forcefully,"what." He said and Hange just put her face in her palm,
"It's fine, yeah they are. That's why I was so close with Niko, she looked after me before...well, I lost her,"
"Cause you ate her" Levi said bluntly again which caused Hange to nudge him again 10 times harder, "Would ya quit nudging me weird glasses" he whispered aggressively.
"Yeah." I sighed and continued to eat the food in front of me.

A Marleyan Love Story ~ Jean x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now