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Reader POV~

They had sent Gabi and Falco to a separate prison then me, they were off far from here meanwhile they wanted to keep me close considering I'm a Titan they don't want me pulling anything. Although the biggest down side to my cell, was my neighbour, Eren Yeager. Words don't describe how bad I want to transform and beat the shit out of him, he has no idea what I'm like when I'm not weak before changing, he wouldn't know what's hit him, but I'm not the stupid.

"If we don't fight, we not be able to win" I heard Eren say from next to me, he would talk nonsense all the way into the middle of the night, it was probably the most annoying thing about him, "Fight. Fight"
"Oh my god, would you mind shutting the hell up." I commented I was fed up of him and his stupid conversations he had with himself, all I heard was him tut and nothing else till his commander walked in. I think I've heard people call her Hange.

"Where you just talking to yourself? Did you say 'fight, fight' ? If you said 'fight, fight does that mean there's two fights?" She kept asking him questions and he wouldn't reply, I was trying to listen to the conversation and get intel for myself. "What have you come for?!" I heard Eren snap at her, she carried on talking about nonsense, none of it was of any importance to me and then he said it, "I ate the war-hammer Titan" she gasped and I grunted, "It has the power to harden through the ground and make whatever it wants. In other words there's no prison deep or strong enough to hold me." He commented to her and I just laughed subtly.

"Please, it took you three Titan's to be able to break out of any prison cell. You seriously think I can't get out of this thing pretty boy. I'm more powerful than you when I'm at my strongest." I walked to the front of my cell and put my arms through the bars and Hange walked over to me, "Speaking on that. Would you care to tell us what your Titan is yet?" I shook my head and smirked and she just glared at me and Eren continued. He carried on talking about how he was so strong and so invincible, ugh how can anyone like this guy, he so up his own arse. I saw him pull Hange in by her shirt and then yelled at her, "Tell me Hange! If you've got something up your sleeve let's get it!!" She pushed him off and called him a pervert, then an idiot, then a moron... words that I think describe him perfectly.

"She right, I would also say, cocky, self centred, irritating, full of shit 24/7-" I heard him tut to himself and then springs of a bed. A few hours later the door opened and that same guy from the before walked in. Jean.

Jean POV~

When I walked in Eren was asleep and (Y/N) was just sat on her bed staring into space, but I still had to sit on guard tonight. I sat in the corner far from with of the cell bars but I could see them both, then I saw a rock fly out of (Y/N)'s cell and hit the wall, "watch what your doing Titan" I called at her, trying not be to loud I don't want to wake Eren and have to deal with him too, I saw arms appear through her bars and then her face emerge from the darkness, "I have a name you know" she told me, she looked unusually happy for someone in a cell.

"I know you do" I told her, then tried dismissing myself from the conversation but she carried it on, "then why not use it" she rested her head on her arm still staring at me, "cause I don't want to. You don't deserve the respect" she scoffed at me and pulled her head and arms back into the darkness, "then I suppose I shouldn't call you Jean then cause in my eyes you don't deserve the respect" I heard her say. I could no longer see her very well apart from her lips, she was smirking and to be honest that pissed me off, she thought she was funny but she wasn't. At all.

Hours past by now, she fell asleep for like 3 hours but then woke up again and is just sat on the floor, leaning against her wall, looking at me through the bars. "Would you quite staring. I-It's creeping me out" I said to he and she just laughed and whispered, "that's the point" I scoffed and turned my head over and she stood up. "You lot are really struggling trying to work out what my Titan is aren't you?" I turned my head sharply and looked at her in her cell, she was smirking knowing full well that we are, "what if I told you I was willing to tell you. But only in front of your top scouts and out of this cell." I looked at her facial expression, it had changed from a smirk to a serious and stern face, she was genuine about this. I stood up and walked out of the room without an answer, "I'll put a pin in that then and you can get back to me later?" She shouted as I shut the door and went to find Hange.

I went to the meeting room and knocked before entering, when I was expected in; Hange, Levi, Mikasa, Armin and Connie were in there. "I have news on the girls Titan." Hange nodded to me telling me to proceed, "she said she's willing to tell us her Titan, but only if it's in front of our top scouts and out of her cell." Levi did even need to process what I said he commented as soon as I finished, "It's a trap, she is trying to get out of the cell and get the best scouts in one room to take us out as she transforms" he could be right but she seemed serious about this, "you could be right Levi but, this is our chance. If we approach this correctly we could possible find a way to get her to trust us and side with us." Hange then added, we looked around at one another knowing our plan without having to discuss it and I returned to the cells.

I walked in and she noticed instantly, "oh hey Jean. Your back from a meeting with the squad I'm guessing" I walked straight past her and sat back in my chair in the corner. "Tomorrow morning. 7am sharp." I said to her. She started to smirk again and the faded into the darkness, was Levi right. Is this a trap?

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