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Jean POV~

It was 6:30 and I ran a pole that was by my chair along the bars of (Y/N) and Eren's cell bars to wake them up. We decide we wasn't going to tell Eren about what her Titan is as he could possibly just want to eat her like he did the War-Hammer, about 25 minutes later I opened up (Y/N)'s cell and tied her arms behind her so she couldn't pull anything and then took her down the hall to the room where everyone was.

I opened the door and they were all sat around a table, Hange was at the head of the table with Levi on one side and Armin opposite him Mikasa was sat next to Armin and Connie next to her and then there was a seat for me by Levi and (Y/N) had a seat at the other end of the table.

I sat her down in her seat and she just looked around at the room and then to Hange, "cute" she said with a small sarcastic smile. They just looked at her for a moment, at how she looked and what she could possibly do then Levi stood up.

"It's 7am. Go. What are you" we all looked to (Y/N) as she was about to begin.

Reader POV~

When Levi stood up and looked at me I sniggered slightly, "gheez alright, calm down tiny" I never realised how small he was, he looked pissed off by my remark but Hange just sat him down and I began.
"When all the other Titans were discovered, starting with the Founding Titan, mine was there too. But because of my Titans abilities, it was dangerous and difficult to harness. About 40 years and 5 shifters later, my Titan went extinct, if you could do the math then you probably realised they were only a shifter for 8 years, and after the last person went no one was there to eat them." I took a long pause and they all looked at me confused, "if it went extinct so long ago then how are you the Titan now?" I gathered this guy was Connie that asked me and I then continued my story.

"Well 31 years ago, they found a way to bring it back but 2 more people past that only had the Titan for 5 years until someone who finally had it for 13 years, they were my trainer. And the only reason they managed to hold it for 13 years, was because it was a women." All the men at the table were surprised while Hange and Mikasa looked smug, "all the shifters before were men but they were too weak to hold it. Anyway after her 13 years were up, they said I was best suited for the Titan, who else could hold this form better than the one she trained. So I ate her... the person who had been like a sister to me for so long I had to eat at 10 and live up to expectations. That was 8 years ago now, I only have 5 years left."
After I finished explaining the Titan and where it had been they sat and waited eagerly for me to tell them what it was.

"Mine is the Murder Titan." I heard subtle gasp from each of them, "the hardened skin on my knuckles is to kill my enemies better. I'm also the strongest Titan, if I hadn't already used my Titan multiple times the day you invaded my home then Eren wouldn't have made it back alive. Heck I'm strong than you" I said looking at Armin, he looked at me surprised, "I saw you pull yourself out of the colossal's corpse back in Liberio. I'm the fastest, most agile, have the fastest reflexes and the strongest Titan out of the 10" I looked at some of there faces, Mikasa, Levi and Hanges in particular, "I can see some of you have worked it out already but, I'm near enough unkillable."

They sat staring at me sacred and concerned but Hange looked mesmerised but this, "how do you turn like what's your signature thing for transforming" she asked me looking in absolutely awe, I stood up so they could all see my whole body.
"Well Jean here, tied up my arms thinking it would stop me but that's not what I use, I use this." I hit my shoe on the back of my other shoe twice and the anklet around my foot shot blades out the sides, "one swipe across my ankle and I would change right here." The looked at the anklet and then at me worried, but I tapped my foot again and the blades went back in and I sat myself back down.

They were confused, I had my chance to escape but I didn't take it. I wasn't trying to kill them, I was simply giving them what they wanted to know. Even though they know what I am doesn't mean they can do anything with that and I know the guys back home are finding a way to bring us 3 back.

Jean POV~

Why didn't she transform, should could all have taken us all out and escaped but she just sat down. "Why didn't you turn." I asked her emotionless, much like any of the others would. "I'm not here to kill any of you. I was just telling you what you wanted to know. My Titan may be the Murder Titan, but I don't kill the defenceless." I saw a sad look grow over her face, I don't know what she was thinking about but she looked like tears were about to start falling from her eyes then she quickly composed herself and looked back at us all. "Take her back to her cell for now, we'll move her away from Eren tomorrow." Hange ordered me, I nodded and stood her up and walked her out the room.

As we was walking around the halls I saw the melancholy expression still on her face, she walked with her head down the whole time and I felt I should talk but I wouldn't know what to say even if I did, "If you want to know just ask." She said still with her head to the ground. I gasped, how did she know what I was thinking, "I knew cause you have been staring at the back of my head this whole time and breathing down my neck." I turned my head and closed my mouth, I still didn't say anything I didn't know how to ask her now,

"The girl that had the Titan before me was my trainer at the training camp but she was more than that to me, she was like a sister. She taught me everything I know, she was the one that told me not to kill the defenceless, she had morals and she passed them down to me. I still see her memories from when she had the Titan" I saw a tear fall from her eye, I felt bad but I still had one more question, "the rest of them Annie, Reiner, Berethold and that. They got there Titan when they were 12 how come you got yours 2 years early?" She wiped the tear with her shoulder and looked at me, "Niko got her Titan 2 years before the rest of her training mates cause of the experiments so I had to get mine 2 years before" Niko must have been her name, I felt bad for (Y/N) and I could tell she was still hurting... I know how she felt.

We got back to her cell and she stepped in while Eren had gone back to sleep. I took off her ties and shut the bars behind her. "I'm sorry." I said to her knowing how she felt, she just turned and looked at me confused, "I lost someone that was like a brother to me as well. I know how you must feel" She just nodded and smiled at me then returned to her bed and just sat on it staring at nothing and I left.

A Marleyan Love Story ~ Jean x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now