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Reader POV~

They won. Them damn devils wiped out half of our existence and just left like it was nothing. I managed to get Pieck out of her Titan but as for panzer unit. None survived.

Me and Porco carried Pieck by her arms over our shoulders while she was still recovering. We heard a gunshot from a distance and considered I was no the one with most energy out of the three of us, Porco took Pieck to his arm and I ran to see what it was, I saw the airship in the sky and a scout falling from it still on his gear. I ran the corner and saw Gabi lying on the ground with a gun in her hand and the scout lying on the ground, I put the prices together in my mind and was shocked with what I came out with, Gabi did this?

You made way for her and she beside the scouts body holding his gear in her hand, "If I pull the trigger?" Gabi said under her breath and then the wire pulled up slightly. I caught up with her and realised what she was thinking. "Gabi. Don't you dare even think about doing what I know you want to do." She didn't look at me once she still had her eyes on the airship, "I'm gonna kill this Island devils" she muttered and then more footsteps came up behind me, it was Falco, "your just going to get yourself killed!" He said panicked, "he's right Gabi don't be stupid for once and help your cousin with us!" She didn't listen before I knew it she tried to fly off so I grabbed onto the scout to as well as Falco following on a promise I heard him make with Reiner earlier this week and we shot up into the sky.

Jean POV~

Everyone was so loud and excited about our win. You almost couldn't hear anything else, I was trying to talk with Sasha and Connie it was difficult but still did. Under my breathe I asked, "how many more. How many more people are gonna have to die" there was a pause when Connie and Sasha heard what I said and Connie wrapped his arms around both of us, "Well at least we survived, I feel sorry for all these other corpsmen... but you guys are special to me" I looked at him and so did Sasha then we everted our gaze to right in front of us, these two were my closest friends, and I hate to say it but I love these idiots, they were my family but this was all 'to close for comfort' for me so I made a comment and moved.

"that hurts dumbass, don't hug people when your covered in metal." I said, jokingly, but also kinda serious. "What'd you call me? Your the only dumbass I see here. Always playing with that sorry excuse for a beard" I turned around with a slight smirk, "huh?" Then Sasha giggled slightly, "yeah Connie right, even if you could grow a real bead it's not like you could eat it." Then me and Connie both turned to Sasha kinda scared and confused, "huh?" She then kept asking for when we're eating which I kept telling her wasn't until we got back to the island. She finally let it be and we stood while everyone celebrated.

Sasha looked over her soldier then to me, "think I heard something." I tried getting everyone to calm down but they weren't listening, but for this next sound I didn't need them to shut up. A thud came as a little girl tumbled into the airship and was followed by and a boy and that same girl as before the Titan. "Gabi! NO!" The girl shouted as a fire was let out of the gun the little girl was holding.

It happened so fast there was no time to react and before we knew it, we heard the gasping from our comrade. It was Sasha.

The scouts all charged at the three of them but considering one was a Titan and most didn't know I warned them. "BE CARFUL! The red armband means warrior. The oldest girl is a Titan shifter!" They still beat the crap out of all three of them, so I presumed she was still to wealthy to transform.

I heard a yelling from behind me, it was Connie by Sashas side, trying anything to keep her with us, I called someone to bring badges while we knew she was till breathing and as she still muttered under her breathe.

Reader POV~

I couldn't see much cause of the crowd of s hours in front of me beat the shit out of all three of us but I saw the girl lying on her back, I was relieved to see she was still breathing but I can't believe Gabi would do that. They were defenceless, nothing they could do would have been ready to defend themselves, I felt awful, although they did attack us first but this was so much.

Three men pulled us forward each and took us to the leader of there squad and when I looked up, to my surprise it was the same fucking guy as the news stand and when he came swinging in tonight, I don't even know this guy and he's getting in my last nerve.

"Jean, they climbed aboard using Labov's ODM gear." Said the one holding on to Gabi, so Jean, that's this guys name. "I'll toss 'em outside, all right?" Jean looked up at the guy holding Gabi, "No, tossing kids off an airship. Not gonna happen." I scoffed under my breathe a moved my head to the side, "What are you tutting at Marleyan" coming from the one holding me, he punched my face and cut my lip. I spat the blood on the floor, "for starters I'm an Eldian dipshit I live in Marley as it's my home town and don't want to be associated with you Island devils. And for seconds I'm not a kid. These are but I'm not" the Jean guy looked at me confused, probably surprised that I'm willing to speak up on a ship full of scouts.

Jean stood me up and held me in front of him facing the same direction and then grabbed the back of Gabi and Falco's collars, he nudged me forward with his elbow and pulled Gabi and Falco taking us to a door which lead to more of the team, Eren was there and so was Levi Ackerman, there was a few unrecognisable faces and then one, one face in particular shocked all three of us.

Jean POV~

I was holding the kids and the girl stood in front of me when I head then all gasp, "Gabi? Falco?... (Y/N)!? How did you get here" Zeke asked them, giving the fact the girl shouted Gabi at the kid earlier and Falco's a boys name, that must make the Titan shifter (Y/N). "What about you... we thought that you were dead?" (Y/N) questioned seeming confused and angry. "They took you alive? But how is that possible! What would you let them?" Gabi asked sounding just as angry as the Titan Shifter, Zeke did responded they just stared.

Levi walked up to me and it was silent, "who are these kids" I lifted my leg and kicked (Y/N) down, "well this one isn't a kid" she fell to the floor and then looked up at Levi, "she's the girl with the 10th Titan, we still don't know what it is" she scoffed and smirked looking down at the ground, who is this bitch, she's psycho, we could literally kill her at any moment and she's laughing. "Tell us what your Titan is" Levi grumbled at her. She just looked at him, didn't responded in anyway just a glare.

Levi's eyes squinted slightly and moved onto the kids, "how did they all get up here" I sighed and told him the news, "they somehow killed Lopov, and used his gear to climb aboard." I nudged the little girl, "This one shot Sasha before we could catch her... I- I don't think she's gonna make it" all of a sudden all there faces dropped, as well as mine. Mikasa and Armin run through to the other room and I looked at the shifters faces and she looked sad too, why the hell would she feel bad, she's the enemy.

As they ran out Hange entered the room and didn't bother to scan just spoke directly to Zeke, "well Zeke seem everything played out just like you wanted, wouldn't you say?" I saw the faces appear on the three stowaways, they were stuns by the accusation Hange made, "I did make a few miscalculations but aside from that, I would." The shifter jolted forward but Levi lifted his foot to her shoulder to stop her, "you jerk" she gruntled which caught Hange's attention, she now realised there were three other people here, "huh? Who are these three?" I saw the shifter get angry as she stared Zeke down, "miscalculations".

There was silence but before anyone of us could break it, the door creaked open slowly. We all turned our attention to the door and Connie stood there paralysed in shock, "It Sasha... she just. Died" I could hear Armin and Mikasa crying and screaming from the other room trying to wake her up, I stood still, I felt my eye start to swell up I-I didn't know how to feel. Like I said before there's people are my family, and now one has gone. Everyone's faces were either shocked or lowered in sympathy, then Eren uttered for Connie, "did she have any last words?" He asked him, "she asked... for some meat" to be honest I don't expect any less, it was typical of Sasha to think of food even at the worst of times.

I was trying to let it all sink in when I heard it, laughing. That sick bastard Yeager was laughing at one of your closest friends... our family members death, I saw him then start to grit his teeth. "Eren, Sasha only died cause you dragged the scouts into this, you know that." I don't care if this made him mad it was his fault. His.

A Marleyan Love Story ~ Jean x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now