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Reader POV~

I sat on my bed in my room that I had practically sprinted to, did he notice I was trying to get away from him? God why am I such an idiot he definitely noticed, but what happened while I was out there with him was different, we was getting along... and laughing... and smiling... and when he caught me, touched my hand and when we was holding arms... I felt something new and I don't know what it was but it was strange that's why I ran. My cheeks were burning up and I felt this strange feeling in my stomach, as I began to think I flipped my self to lay down on my bed with my knees up and head in hands, what was that feeling?

I got up to move around my room, I decide to take a shower and try to relax a bit so I walked into my small bathroom and undressed shutting the the bathroom door and turning on the shower.
I stepped into the tub letting the warm water hit my skin and began to him the tune to a lullaby my mum used to sing to me.

Jean POV

I'd finished my lap around the place and finally reached my room but I wanted to check Y/N was okay before I did so I walked over to her door then knocking on it.

"Y/N!?" I called but there was no response, I knocked again but still nothing so I slowly opened her door.

She isn't in here? I look around confused when I heard water trickling behind a door... she must be in the shower. I start to walk back out when I hear her humming to herself, although it was just a light hum I could tell she had a nice voice. I was listening to the song she was humming when I caught a glimpse of something in her room, I walked to the wooden frame on her table and picked it up it seemed to be a drawing of someone, a male with blonde slick hair and a slight angry expression. I wasn't sure who this was but it was a good drawing and you could see the detail.

I was admiring the craftsmanship that must have gone into making the frame I was trying to work out where she got the wood from scanning the room with my head when I saw that the once four legged chair now only had two, I hadn't even noticed that shower stopped running and wasn't until a scream came from the door that I realised y/n had finished in the bathroom.


"ARGH!" I yelled back,

"What the fuck Jean!" She yelled pulling the towel up that almost slipped from being startled by me,

"Sorry! Sorry, I came to check if you was okay cause you ran off before but when I didn't hear a reply I opened the door and you wasn't there but I saw this drawing and... it's good." I ranted,

She looked at me blankly and blinked a couple times with her mouth making an o shape, "you can't just waltz into a girls room moron! What if I was naked!"

"Well I mean you kind of are-"

"OUT!" She exclaimed pointing to her door, I put down the frame with wide eyes and a drooped face before exiting her room awkwardly.

She slammed the door quickly behind me that it nearly hit me on the way out, I just scratched my neck and looked around checking now one was in the halls to see it and then walked across to my room.

Reader POV

He walked out of my room and placed the frame back on my table, as the door shut I tried collecting myself after being startled by him then walked to the table and the frame. I picked it up in my hand looking at the drawing of Porco I had done back in Marley remembering the time I drew it.

Flashback POV

I sat on my bed with Porco sat in front of me, my legs stretched out as he leaned across them reading one of his books with these expression that made it seem like he was mad. I chuckled at the faces he pulled while reading but it just so happened this was the face I managed to capture while I was sketching.

I was coming to and end of the draw doing some finally shading when I looked up and my gaze was matched with his. A face of curiosity grew over his face with a slight smirk while I started to smile at him. "What are you doing?" he asked looking to the paper in front of me. I treid to act nonchalant, "Nothing" I said really unconvincingly and he pushed him self up.

"Come on let me see it."

"No, it's nothing." He reached his arm out and I pulled the sketch away.

I crawled off my bed while we bickered and he sat up on his knees pulling my back by the waist while the touch made me giggle because I was really ticklish there. He took the sketch from my hand still holding me down on the bed as my head rested on his chest.

"Is this really how I look when I read." He said turning his head back down to me,

"Yeah, well there's a lot. Sometimes your smiling sometimes your pouting and others your made for no apparent reason." I said teasing him a little at the end.

"Well, it's still amazing. Your really good at the whole drawing thing." He placed the paper on my legs graze my thigh as he did and I looked back at him.

For a moment we just sat there looking at each other, my head moving up and down in time as his chest rose. He brushed my hair from my face and left his hand resting my cheek rubbing my cheekbone with his thumb but it was quickly retracted and I shot up when the door swung open with Peick coming in and we acted like none of that just happened.

End Of Flashback POV

We always had this unspoken relationship, but we never got the chance to make it spoken as I was whisked away to this place... were I'm now questioning everything. I thought lifting my head to my bedroom door.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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