Chapter 1: A New Mission

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Author's Note: This is my first fan fiction, so it's far from perfect. The first few chapters don't have a lot of action, but there will be more as the story goes on. As of right now, I have most of this story written, so I'll try to update regularly. (I also have two sequels to this story planned, but I haven't written them yet)

I appreciate any reviews and suggestions to make the story better!

Ahsoka spotted her master walking through the halls of the Jedi Temple.

"Skyguy, wait up!"

Ahsoka jogged until she was beside him.

"So, Master, do you know what this meeting's about?"

"From what I can tell, it involves going undercover to investigate some criminal activity in the lower levels of Coruscant."

Ahsoka thought back to Kadavo and grimaced. "We won't have to dress as slaves again, will we Master?"

Anakin chuckled. "No Snips, I don't think this will be anything like that. Hopefully, this mission should be much easier."

"I hope so."

They entered the mission briefing room. Rex, Cody, and Obi-Wan were already there, along with Master Yoda in the form of a hologram.

"We're not late, are we Masters?" Anakin asked with a smirk.

Obi-Wan seemed to barely stop himself from rolling his eyes.

"No, Anakin. You're right on time." He added something at the end of the sentence that might have been "for once".

Ahsoka could see Rex and Cody stifling smiles.

Anakin decided to ignore that comment.

"Have a mission for you, we do," Master Yoda said, a ghost of a smile on his face.

"It seems like Coruscant's crime world has become more active while the Jedi have been occupied with the war," Obi-Wan explained. He keyed the console on the briefing table, pulling up a hologram. "Our mission lies in this building. The crime lord is holding a masquerade ball, and it will be our job to infiltrate it. We will be going under false identities. While we are there, we must make sure to be subtle." He gave a pointed look in Anakin's direction. Anakin frowned.

"Skywalker, take your padawan, you will." Master Yoda informed him, stopping the retort that surely would have followed.

"Rex, Cody, and I will be accompanying you as well," Obi-Wan added.

"Senator Amidala, you will need. Helpful, she will be."

Ahsoka's eyes widened at Anakin's barely noticeable flinch. He cleared his throat. "Masters, surely it is too dangerous to bring a senator to the criminal underworld?"

"Senator Amidala has dealt with this kind of thing before. Her assistance will be crucial for this mission," Obi-Wan explained. "Is that going to be a problem, Anakin?"

"No, Master. Just looking out for the senator's safety," Anakin dipped his head, low enough so Ahsoka couldn't see the expression on his face.

"Tonight, the party is. Hurry, you must," Master Yoda said, his image disappearing, signaling the end of the meeting.

The three Jedi exited the room, closely followed by Rex and Cody.

"I guess I'll go tell Pad- um, Senator Amidala about the mission," Anakin mumbled.

"Actually," Obi-Wan corrected, "you should let your padawan handle that. Our uniforms have already been chosen. Come with me."

Obi-Wan began walking down a different hallway, not looking to see if Anakin would follow. Anakin sighed loudly.

"Well, Snips, that's my cue. Looks like you better go and tell Padmé."

Anakin practically dragged his feet as he followed Obi-Wan, leaving Ahsoka standing with two confused soldiers.

"Excuse me, sir, but what should we do?" Rex asked.

"Oh, right. Rex, um. . ." Anakin trailed off. "Cody'll come with us. You go with Ahsoka. Try to keep her out of trouble." Anakin winked.

"Will do, General."

Cody followed Anakin to where Obi-Wan was at the end of the hall, patiently waiting.

"See you later, Master!" Ahsoka called. Anakin briefly raised a hand in acknowledgment, not turning around.

Ahsoka rolled her eyes and turned to Rex. "Come on, Rex, we don't want to be late."

She headed down the hall, and he fell into step beside her.

"Do you know anything about who this 'crime lord' is?" Ahsoka asked.

"I don't know much more than you do, kid."

Ahsoka sighed. "Looks like we're being kept in the dark."

Rex looked down at her with a smile. "Does that surprise you, little 'un?" He asked, using his old nickname for her.

Ahsoka grinned. "No, I suppose it doesn't." 

Clone Wars Chronicles: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now