Chapter 11: Awakening

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Author's Note: I have two more chapters of this story to publish, then it should be done. I also have two sequels planned as well. I hope you enjoy, and I appreciate any suggestions!

You can't give up yet, we need you!

Anakin frowned in the murky darkness of his mind. Who was that? She sounded familiar somehow.


Skyguy? Who's Skyguy?

Then it clicked.

Ahsoka! Ahsoka, is that you?


Ahsoka gasped, immediately regretting it as the pain flared.

"Anakin!" She looked at the others. "He's okay!"

She could see them visibly relax, though they were still tense.

"We're not out of this yet, Commander," Kix reminded her. "You're still in critical condition. Droids are on the way, and--"

"Okay, I get it . . . Kix. I'll try not to . . . jinx it." Ahsoka winked. Kix frowned, moving away to double-check his own wound.

Ahsoka rubbed her stomach, sighing again.

Ahsoka, are you okay? Did Rex find you? Anakin asked through their bond.

I have some bruises, but I'm okay. Rex found me just in time.

You have no serious injuries? Anakin sounded skeptical, even from inside her head.

We should be more concerned with your injuries, Master. You're the unconscious one.

How do I know you aren't unconscious too, Snips?

Alright Skyguy, I woke up a few minutes ago. Can you say the same?

If Anakin was conscious, Ahsoka knew he would be rolling his eyes.

Before he could reply, Ahsoka was abruptly shaken out of her meditative state by a shout.

"Droids! On the ridge!" Jesse shouted.

Ahsoka looked towards his pointed finger. Ten commando droids were heading their way.

"We have to move, now!" Rex said.

Before Ahsoka had the chance to insist that she could walk on her own, she was being lifted up again.

"Rex, I can fight!"

"With respect, sir, you can't even sit up by yourself," he said.


"No 'buts', Commander," Kix added. "We don't have time to debate this."

Ahsoka huffed, frowning under her oxygen mask.

Ducking behind a rock formation, Rex set her down. "Stay there, Ahsoka. We can't worry about you and the droids at the same time."

"Ugh, fine," Ahsoka grumbled.

Rex gave her a half-grin, grabbing his helmet. He stepped towards the others.

"Men, use rock formations for cover. If we don't take any unnecessary risks, then we'll all make it out of here alive."

Fives and Jesse nodded. Kix was already loading his blaster.

"Fives, call Cody. Tell him what's happening," Rex ordered.

"Right." As Fives made the call, Rex, Kix, and Jesse peeked over the rocks. A shot whizzed by their heads, and they quickly ducked back down.

"Guess they're close," Jesse said.

"Five minutes till Cody arrives," Fives reported.

"That's not soon enough," Rex said, re-checking his blasters. "Alright, boys, let's give them a fight they'll never forget."

Fives and Jesse grinned, putting on their helmets.

"Stay here, Commander," Rex ordered again, motioning for the boys to start firing.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere," Ahsoka sighed.

The first thing Anakin heard was blaster fire. Groaning, he opened his eyes, wincing at the bright light.

A figure stood over Anakin. It took him a moment to realize that it was a medic.

A medic? Why do I need a medic?

Then he felt the pain in his chest.


Anakin tried to sit up, but the medic pushed him back down.

"Sorry, sir. I have to finish patching you up first," the medic said.

"What...happened?" Anakin asked.

"You got shot, General."

Anakin frowned. He never got shot.


The medic hesitated. "I'm not sure, sir. You'll have to ask General Kenobi."

"Obi-Wan? Where is he?"

"He's upfront, General."

Of course, Obi-Wan is leading now.

The medic ducked a blaster bolt. "Looks like the battle is coming closer. I need to move you to a safer position, sir."

The medic picked him up under the arms and dragged him behind a rock pile.


"General Kenobi sent Commander Cody and a few troopers to rescue her and the others, but we haven't heard anything yet."

Anakin gritted his teeth. When Ahsoka finally needed his help, he couldn't do anything.

"Thank you, trooper," Anakin said, remembering the medic who had saved him.

"Just doing my job, General."

In other circumstances, Anakin would have laughed. That seemed to be the clones' automatic response whenever they were congratulated.

Anakin closed his eyes, focusing on his bond with Ahsoka.

Ahsoka, where are you? What's happening?

We're still at the compound, Master. But there are commando droids on the ridge, and they're coming fast. We--

Ahsoka's voice suddenly disappeared.

Ahsoka? Ahsoka, what happened?

But he was only met with silence.

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