Chapter 10: Escape

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The first thing Ahsoka felt was the terrible pain in her side. She forced her eyes open. The room was on fire, the ceiling collapsing. A large beam across her legs pinned her to the ground.

She focused on her side, seeing a large shard of metal. Ahsoka gasped as she realized it had almost completely impaled her.

She tried to lift her head, but the pain increased, causing her to cry out. Ahsoka forced herself to remain calm, but she had never felt pain like this. At least, not in a long time.

She dropped her head back against the ground. Ahsoka couldn't see anything except for fire and debris. And in her condition, she wouldn't be able to tell what other injuries she had.

Where are Rex and Kix?

Looking above her head, she saw something white. It took her a moment to realize it was armor. Clone armor.

After careful examination, she saw the familiar blue stripes. It was Rex. From what she could tell, he was unconscious. Ahsoka couldn't tell if he was hurt, but hopefully, his armor took the brunt of the explosion. A little ways from him, she could see Kix as well.

Gritting her teeth, she reached towards Rex, trying to grab his arm. "Come on, Rex! Wake up!" she grunted. Force-pulling him closer, she checked his wounds.

There were some nasty dents in his armor, but that was all she could see.

Ahsoka managed to prop herself up on her elbow. She removed his helmet and examined his face. Other than the dents in his armor, he seemed to be okay. He was still breathing.

With a bit more effort, she was able to pull Kix closer and check him for wounds as well. He also had a few dents, and the glass shard in his leg made her wince. But nothing too serious.

Ahsoka looked around. The fire was getting more intense; it would only be a matter of time before all exits were blocked and the structure was compromised.

We have to get out of here.

She gently tapped Rex's face. "Rex, we have to go! Please, wake up!" She shook Kix too. "Come on, Kix!"

Ahsoka heard a small mumble from Rex, but that was it. Neither of them moved. Coughing, she slumped back to the ground. The smoke and her stomach wound were not doing any good for her.

After trying both Rex's and Kix's comms with no success, Ahsoka sighed. The pain in her stomach was growing, and almost tripled when she wormed her way out from beneath the beam that had trapped her.

She didn't have long.

Everything was getting hazy. She managed to put Rex's and Kix's helmets back on them to offer some protection from the smoke and fire. But she had no armor.

A loud crack started her. She looked up quickly. A beam large enough to crush them all was falling directly toward them.

Ahsoka thrust her hands out, catching the beam with the Force. She cried out again, tears slipping from her eyes.

She was shaking. Her strength was draining fast, and her hold would fail any second.

With the last of it, she shoved the troopers out of the way.

She could only helplessly watch as the beam fell towards her.

An explosion made Anakin briefly lose his balance. He whirled around. The compound was on fire, crumbling.

Dread flooded through him. Ahsoka and the troopers were still inside.

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