Chapter 6: Consequences

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Jett laid Ahsoka's head on the ground, forcing away his guilt. I had to do this. I'm sorry, Ahsoka. I really like you, but I can't forgive the Jedi for what they did.

Jett had told her that his family had been captured by the Separatists, but in reality, they had been killed during the incident with the Zillo Beast. He had also lied about moving to Coruscant recently; he had lived here since he was around seven.

Jett scowled. His family died when the Jedi, foolishly bringing the Zillo Beast to Coruscant, had allowed the monster to escape and create chaos, destroying a large part of the city. It was then that he entered crime, knowing it was the only way to get revenge and stay under the radar.

"Are you finished moping?" a voice said from behind him.

Jett sighed, gently brushing Ahsoka's hand before standing up. He turned, scowling.

"You have a job, bounty hunter. Now, get on with it! Before I change my mind."

The bounty hunter smiled. "Gladly," she said. Kneeling next to Ahsoka's unconscious form, she placed a hand on her arm. After a few seconds of contact, the bounty hunter took Ahsoka's shape. As one of the changeling species, she was perfect for this kind of mission.

"I'll make this quick," she hissed in Ahsoka's voice. Jett gave her Ahsoka's lightsabers.

"Remember, Ahsoka was not feeling well when she first came out here. Your best bet is to continue that performance, Ran."

"Not to worry, kid. I've got this covered." Ran smirked, re-entering the building. Jett was left alone with Ahsoka.

"I'm sorry," he whispered again. "But the Jedi are no longer fit to lead this war. They're too self-involved."

Having refused three more offers to dance, Rex was fed up with waiting. Ahsoka sure has been gone for a while. What time is it, anyway?

Rex crossed his arms, tapping his foot. Ahsoka had told him the value of patience, but as much as he tried, he couldn't be patient. Not right now.

Rex was ready to march into the garden and bring her back into the ballroom when he saw Ahsoka coming back in. As she got closer, he could tell something was wrong.

Kriff, I hope she isn't still sick.

"Are you okay?" he asked when she reached him. "Did the fresh air help clear your head?"

"Sort of, but I think I'm ready to leave." Rex could tell that she meant it because she was pale and shaking. Now he was really concerned. She was looking worse than when she had left. If she was admitting that she didn't feel good, then something must really be wrong.

"Should I get the General?"

"No, I . . ." she trailed off, beginning to sway. Rex put a steadying hand on her shoulder. Ahsoka leaned heavily against him, groaning. Alarmed, he quickly held her upright.

"Ahsoka? Ahsoka, what's wrong?" he whispered quickly.

When she didn't respond, he looked around the room, searching for the generals. General Kenobi was on the far side of the room, and Skywalker and the senator were nowhere to be found. He heard Cody step up beside him.

"Rex, what's going on?"

"Cody! Get General Kenobi! Something's wrong with Ahsoka."

With a nod, Cody spared a concerned look for Ahsoka before heading to Obi-Wan.

"Hang in there, kid," Rex told her.

Anakin and Padmé walked arm-in-arm down the halls, wanting some alone time. Padmé had insisted after Anakin had spent far too long staring into space, worrying about his padawan.

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