Chapter 9: The Rescue (Part 2)

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Rex looked back at Ahsoka just as her eyes closed and she sank to the floor. He released Jett, running to the door and banged his hands against it.


Growling, Rex leveled his blasters at Jett. "Kid, if you know what's good for you, you'll open that door."

Jett's eyes flicked to Ahsoka's cell. "I-I can't. This is the only way to make the Jedi pay."

"This isn't up for debate. Tell me how to open the door, or your quest for revenge ends right here." Rex took a step closer, showing that he wouldn't hesitate.

Jett looked at the blasters, fear flashing through his eyes. "Fine. You can't get in from here. Not without a key. I'll show you another way. Follow me."

Casting one more worried look at Ahsoka, Rex followed Jett.

After going up the stairs, Rex followed Jett into a control room. He pulled one of the many levers, and Rex heard a click. A hidden trapdoor opened in the floor.

Rex activated his comm. "Kix, get in here, now."

With that, he shoved on his helmet and dove into the water.

He ignored the shock of cold, letting the weight of his armor pull him down.

Where is she?

The murky water made it difficult to see. Switching on the lights of his helmet, he saw a glint of gold.


Rex quickly swam to Ahsoka, wrapping one arm around her torso and using the other to help bring them back to the surface.

When he got there, he saw Kix had arrived. After handing Ahsoka off to him, Rex pulled himself out of the water, shutting the trapdoor.

Rex and Kix set Ahsoka on the floor, and Rex was able to get a good look at her.

The first thing he noticed was that she wasn't breathing.

Kix immediately began chest compressions.

Rex waited.

Come on, kid.

It had been minutes, and she still hadn't moved.

He was about to ask Kix why it wasn't working when Ahsoka grunted, shooting into a sitting position. She panted, coughing up water.

Relief flooded through Rex.

The kid's okay.

He moved to her side, rubbing her back until the coughing subsided. Ahsoka leaned against him, exhausted.

"How are you doing, kid?"

"I'm great," she said hoarsely. "What happened?"

Before Rex could tell her, Kix leaned forward, checking Ahsoka's pulse and temperature.

"Everything feel okay, Commander?"

Ahsoka grunted. "Never better."

Kix narrowed his eyes slightly. "If you say so."

"So, how did you guys get me out? Thank you, by the way," Ahsoka said.

Rex gestured to Jett, who had remained silent. "Your 'friend' here was kind enough to show us a way in. After that, we got you out and Kix brought you back."

"Wow. Thank you. Both of you." She looked up at Jett. "And you too, I guess. But you put me in that position in the first place."

Jett grimaced, looking away. "Sorry about that."

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