Chapter 13: End of the Mission

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Author's Note: Here's the final chapter of this story. Thanks to everyone who has read this far, it means a lot! I hope you enjoy, and any suggestions are always appreciated! 

I have two more sequels planned, so if you enjoyed this story, I hope you come back to read the others!

After loading everyone on stretchers, including Anakin, the group gathered on the gunship and headed back to the battlefield.

The droids were all gone when they arrived, and the clones had started to clean up.

When Obi-Wan exited the gunship, one of the troopers hesitantly approached, a shiny by the looks of him.

"General, while we were occupied with the battle, the bounty hunter escaped."

"What?" Anakin shouted from his stretcher, sitting up.

Obi-Wan put a hand on the trooper's shoulder. "That's alright. It's not your fault, trooper."

The trooper nodded, unsure, but went to continue helping his brothers with the cleanup.

"How did she escape?" Anakin demanded.

"Anakin, things happen during a battle. When we both left to save Ahsoka, the men had to take care of the droids themselves. I doubt they could pay attention to the battle and the bounty hunter at the same time."

Anakin sighed, laying back down on his stretcher, but stayed quiet.

Obi-Wan opened his comm, getting in touch with the pilot. "Get them out of here. I'll stay on the planet and aid with the cleanup."

"Yes, General."

Obi-Wan watched as the gunship lifted off, speeding back to the Resolute.

The next day:

Ahsoka woke up to arguing.

"For the last time, Kix, I'm fine!"

"Sir, you inhaled a lot of smoke, you have a concussion, burns and bruises, a sprained wrist, and--"

"I know, Kix! Believe me, you've said so five times! The Commander and General need your attention more than I do!"

Ahsoka smiled, opening her eyes fully. She was in the med bay with Rex, Anakin, and Kix. Rex was glaring at Kix with his arms crossed. As best as he could do with a cast, anyway. After a moment, the medic moved to tend to Anakin, who was asleep.

Rex huffed, frowning at the cast on his arm.

"You know, with all the shouting in here, it's a wonder Skyguy and I could sleep at all," Ahsoka said, sitting up a bit.

Rex looked up, surprised. "Commander?" He got up from his cot, going to her side and sitting in the chair next to her. "You had us worried, sir."

Ahsoka grinned at him. "I've had worse."

Rex raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"I think." She gestured at his wrist. "How are you holding up?"

"Eh, nothing I can't handle."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "Sure, Rexter."

Kix was suddenly at the other side of her cot, looking over her vitals. "Glad to see you awake, sir. Everything feel good?"

Ahsoka opened her mouth to reply.

"Be honest, Commander."

"Um, I guess my stomach's still sore?"

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