Chapter 2: Preparing

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Author's Note: Here's Chapter 2. I'm open to any suggestions!

Rex and Ahsoka arrived at Padmé's apartment a few minutes later. Ahsoka rang the doorbell. A moment later, C-3PO answered.

"Who is it, Threepio?" A voice called from inside.

"Padawan Tano and Captain Rex," he answered.

"Well, let them in, Threepio." The protocol droid stepped aside, allowing them to walk in. Padmé rose from where she was seated.

"Ahsoka, Rex, welcome. What can I do for you?" She gave Ahsoka a quick hug and smiled at Rex.

"The Jedi Council assigned us a mission, and it looks like they want you to come," Ahsoka said.

"Oh, yes. I was wondering when I would hear more about it. I assume you'll also need disguises?"

Ahsoka nodded.

"Well, I had a feeling you weren't coming alone, so I have already found something for Rex to wear." Padmé picked up a stack of folded clothes, handing them to Rex. "You can use the spare bedroom around the corner to get ready."

"Thank you, Senator," Rex said.

Padmé turned to Ahsoka. "Alright Ahsoka, you come with me." She motioned her towards her rather large closet.

"See you soon, Rexter." Ahsoka waved to Rex and followed Padmé into her room. Once they were inside, Padmé opened her closet. "I already have some things picked out, but you can look around if you'd like."

Pulling two outfits off of the hangers, Padmé laid them on her bed. One was a full gown, and the other was similar to her outfit from Kadavo.

"Wow," Ahsoka gasped, "is the party really this fancy?"

"It's more like a ball than a party," Padmé said. "You'll also have to wear something around your eyes."

Ahsoka gently touched the fabric of one of the dresses. "They're beautiful, but won't they be difficult to fight in?"

"Hopefully, you won't have to fight, but I have added some modifications if it does come to that." Padmé pointed to the hem of the gown. On the inside, there was a pouch big enough to hold her lightsabers. "The fabric of both of them is also light and stretchy, and the skirts can be removed quickly if the situation calls for it."

"Thank you, Padmé. This should make things much easier."

"No problem, Ahsoka."

A ring resonated through the house. "That must be others. You should get ready. Let me know if you need any help." Padmé left, closing the door behind her.

Ahsoka looked back at the two dresses. As pretty as the full gown was, she knew it would be more difficult to fight in, even though it was more suited for this kind of event. She examined the red one more closely. It was a two-piece, much like her old Jedi attire, and the pleated skirt reached her mid-calf. It also had separate gloves that went to her upper arm. The entire outfit was covered in jewels, and the headpiece and mask were very extravagant. Ahsoka winced as she realized how expensive it must have been.

After a few minutes, she had figured out how to get the dress on.

"How are you doing, Ahsoka?" Padmé's voice called through the door.

"I'm all set," Ahsoka replied, folding her Jedi clothes. "You can come in."

The door opened and Padmé entered. "The others are ready." She looked Ahsoka up and down. "You look wonderful, Ahsoka. Is it comfortable?"

"Very." Ahsoka swung her arms, getting a feel for the costume. "What are you going to wear?"

Padmé pulled a dress out of the closet, It was golden, with hundreds of glittering jewels leading from the neck to the chest. The skirt was made up of many folds.

"Padmé, this is beautiful!" Ahsoka breathed, letting the teenage girl side of her shine through.

Padmé smiled gently. "Thank you. Now, the others are waiting for you."

"Got it." Ahsoka left the room, closing the door behind her. She headed to the living room, spotting the others. Obi-Wan and Anakin were dressed in robes, looking more like royals than Jedi. Rex and Cody wore simpler attire, playing the roles of bodyguards.

To no one's surprise, Anakin and Obi-Wan were bickering about something, and the troopers were trying and failing to prevent their laughter.

Ahsoka managed to arrive next to Rex and Cody undetected.

"So, what'd I miss?" Ahsoka whispered. Rex looked down at her, not looking very startled. He was used to her Jedi stealthiness by now.

"Not much." He looked at her more closely. "Wow, kid. There's something different about you, but I can't put my finger on it," he teased.

Ahsoka nudged him playfully. "I could say the same about you, Captain," Ahsoka replied with a smirk, pulling at the edge of his cape. Rex frowned at it, not used to wearing such a thing.

Anakin had finally stopped his argument with Obi-Wan long enough to notice her.

"Who knew you could play the part of a party guest so well, Snips?" he said, looking her up and down.

"And you can?" Ahsoka shot back. Before they could continue. Anakin's eyes were drawn over her shoulder. Ahsoka turned. Padmé had come in, fully dressed in her mask, gown, and headpiece.

"Does this work?" she asked.

Anakin seemed unable to do anything other than stare, so Ahsoka responded for him, subtly bumping his arm.

"Padmé, you look fantastic."

Anakin seemed to find his voice. "I agree, Senator."

"Yes," Obi-Wan added, stroking his beard. "No one should suspect a thing." He activated his datapad.

"I'll say this again since Ahsoka and Padmé have joined us. We all have forged invitations and names. Rex and Cody, you two will play as our bodyguards, Axe and Taron. Anakin and Senator Amidala, you will be Owen and Mina, and will play as a married couple." Both Anakin and Padmé stiffened at this, shooting a quick glance at each other. Obi-Wan didn't seem to notice, and continued, "Ahsoka, you will be Padmé's aide. All the others chose their names, so you should too."

Ahsoka thought for a moment. "I'll go with . . . Ashla."

Obi-Wan nodded. "And I am Terik. Alright, it's settled then. We will leave here in about an hour."

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