Chapter 3: The Ball Begins

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Author's Note: I have nine and a half chapters of this story written, so I'll try to keep adding on regularly. I'm open to any suggestions!

Ahsoka watched the glowing buildings zoom by. Anakin, to no one's surprise, loved to drive fast. He, along with Padmé, sat in the front of the speeder, and Ahsoka, Rex, Cody, and Obi-Wan were all in the back, with Ahsoka between the two troopers and Obi-Wan to Cody's right.

As they headed towards the central portal, Ahsoka looked down, lost in thought. She mostly wondered about her master and Padmé. After seeing all of their interactions with each other, she knew there was something between them that they were hiding. Before she could ponder on that anymore, Rex interrupted her thoughts.

"Everything okay, Commander?"

"Hmm? Oh yes, just thinking." She paused. "And you need to get out of the habit of calling me 'commander', especially because of the mission."

"Yes, sir."

Ahsoka gave him a half-grin. "I think we need to work on that some more later, Rexter."

"Right, Com- Ahsoka." Rex frowned, still not used to it. Despite him calling her more by her first name when she was younger, he had somewhat gotten out of that habit.

"Better." Ahsoka nodded. "Oh yeah, when we get there, we'll have to use our code names. So use Ashla if you can."

"Ashla it is, then."

"Much better, Axe." Ahsoka winked at him.

Anakin half-turned in his seat, throwing caution to the wind as he looked away from the oncoming traffic. "We're almost there, so get your disguises ready."

Ahsoka resisted a snide remark at his driving skills and raised her mask to her eyes, seeing the others do the same.

Soon, they arrived at the landing platform. Many other guests were wandering around, waiting for the opening of the large mansion's gate. It was giant, one of the few places on Coruscant with plant life. The house was bathed in golden light from the many lamps, and an artificial sky showed thousands of glistening stars, much clearer than what could be seen from the planet's surface. The temperature was perfect and there was even a faint breeze.

Ahsoka observed all of this while the others exited the speeder. Obi-Wan held out a hand to help her, ever the perfect gentleman. Anakin raised his eyebrows but did the same for Padmé.

"Well, aren't you quite the gentleman, Master," Ahsoka teased.

"What can I say, Snips? It's a gift."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes and Padmé laughed.

Rex stepped up beside them. "I don't mean to intrude, sirs, but the gates are opening."

"So they are," Obi-Wan replied. "Thank you, Captain. Let's prepare to go inside."

Anakin offered Padmé his arm, and they headed towards the gate, where the other guests were already lining up. Obi-Wan followed a few steps behind.

"Wait, Master Obi-Wan— er, Terik? What should we do?"

Obi-Wan turned and thought for a moment. "Ashla, walk between Axe and Taron. They are our bodyguards, after all."

"Got it, Master."

The rest of the group followed him. Cody leaned over and whispered to Rex. "So, this is a party, right? And not the kind at 79's. What are we supposed to be doing?"

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