Chapter 8: The Rescue (Part 1)

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Author's Note: Here's Chapter 8, I hope you enjoy it! I'll appreciate any suggestions!

"You summoned me, Count?" Jett asked, kneeling in front of the hologram.

"Kill the Jedi."

Jett looked up sharply. "What? Why?"

"She is a risk to our plan. I have just received a report from the battle droids stationed on Ryloth. The bounty hunter has been captured. Skywalker's padawan is no longer useful. Kill her."


"You want the Jedi gone? So do I. This is how you do it." he paused. "Might I remind you what will happen if you disobey me?"

Jett paled. "No, Count. I will do it immediately."

"Good. Destroy all evidence, including the stronghold."

"Yes, Count Dooku."

Jett terminated the link and let out a frustrated grunt. Why, oh why, did he develop feelings for someone part of the same group responsible for his family's death?

But he had to get revenge.

The galaxy had to be free.

"I know what I have to do."

Rex arrived at the front of the stronghold faster than he expected. Hiding behind a large clump of rocks, he saw two guards at the door. He sat down, waiting for Fives, Jesse, and Kix. Impatiently, he took off his helmet and fiddled with it.

Rex was worried.

And angry.

And very confused.

When had she gotten taken? Come on, Rex. When did you last see her? The real her?

It had to have happened sometime during the party. But when?

He thought back, playing the events through his head. They had both ended up dancing, and Ahsoka had unexpectedly collapsed and had wanted to clear her head. Then . . .

The garden. That's the only time and place they could have gotten her.

And that meant they had captured Jett too.

Or, he was a traitor.

That's why the boy had seemed so suspicious. He got Ahsoka to trust him, and then he captured her.

Fives, Kix, and Jesse arrived next to him, crouching behind the rocks.

"What's our plan of attack, sir?"

Rex shoved on his helmet and stood up, determined to find his friend.

His three brothers looked up at him.

"Come on, men. I have a plan."

"Jett, what are you doing here?"

He stopped in front of Ahsoka's cell, eyes full of sadness and something else she couldn't place.

"I'm sorry, Ahsoka." He pushed a button, closing his eyes.

Ahsoka heard the sound of water. Spinning around, she saw water flooding her cell. She backed against the cell door, eyes wide.

"Jett! What are you doing?!"

He wordlessly walked away from her cell, pausing at the exit of the hall.


She saw his fist clench, but he continued to walk away.

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