Chapter 7: Mission To Ryloth

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Anakin sped down the hallway, followed closely by Obi-Wan, Rex, Padmé, and Cody. Ahsoka, who was still unconscious, was in his arms.

They arrived in the lobby of the Healing Center.

"Can I help you?" one of the doctors asked, sparing Ahsoka a concerned look. Anakin fumed. Of course, they could help him! Before he could say something he would regret, Obi-Wan stepped in.

"Yes. My friend's padawan seems to have fallen ill."

"Right this way." She led them down another hall and to one of the rooms. Anakin laid Ahsoka on the bed.

"We'll take a look at her. Please, wait outside in the lobby."

Anakin practically stomped out and collapsed in one of the chairs. The others followed suit. He sighed. This might take a while.

After the nurse assured everyone that Ahsoka was okay, she shooed them all out, insisting that they rest.

Despite all of his worry, Anakin passed out as soon as his head hit the pillow.

The next morning, he heard a loud knocking at his door.

"Master! Wake up! We have a new mission!" Ahsoka's muffled yet cheerful voice came through the door. Anakin groaned, pulling himself out of bed. He punched the controls, and the door whizzed open.

Ahsoka stood there, back in her regular clothes, as energized as ever. Anakin grinned, relieved to see her back to normal.

"Feeling better, Snips? You had us all worried."

"Much." she smiled back. "We have a new mission. Master Obi-Wan told me to wake you up and go to the Council chambers."

"Well, let's not keep them waiting."

They walked, side-by-side to the Council room. Anakin couldn't help but see that there was something different about Ahsoka. Her Force-signature felt off, and her gait had changed. On top of that, though she was very cheerful, she hadn't said anything snippy yet, which was unusual for her.

Anakin shook his head. She was probably still feeling the after-effects of being sick.

"So, Snips, what happened with Jett?"

Ahsoka's head snapped up. A blush spread across her cheeks and lekku. "Oh, Jett. Right. It was good. I--he . . . um," Ahsoka stuttered, looking down. Anakin knew how she felt.

"Relax, Ahsoka. Like I told you on Onderon, I understand what you're going through." He intentionally left out the part about "purpose before feelings". That isn't what Ahsoka needed to hear right now.

"Right . . . Onderon." Ahsoka looked deep in thought, so he decided to keep quiet.

Soon, they arrived at their destination.

"You requested us, Masters?" Anakin bowed, and Ahsoka quickly

"Yes, Skywalker," Master Yoda answered. "Have another mission for you, we do. Head to Ryloth, you will. Heard, we have, that the crime lord may be there."

"Yes, Master. I am sorry for our lack of success last night. We had some . . . complications."

"That is alright, Skywalker," Master Windu said. "Hopefully, this lead will grant us further knowledge on the crime lord."

"Your padawan, you will take, as well as your clone troopers. Backup, Obi-Wan will be."

"Sounds good, Master. We'll leave right away."

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