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Hey welcome to the new book this time a new book with all characters and Point of Views how ever this book will get really dark as a new foe appears. If you read the description of this book you'll know. Scaramouche and Xiao both have a big role in this book. well enough of me talking lets get into chapter 1.

It was a sunny day not a cloud in sight we all decided to have a vacation together.

"It's nice to get away from the city sometimes, fresh air, the ocean." Bennett smiles breaths in the air. 

"Heh yea last time we came is when we met Thanatos and watched as Teucer apparently fake died." Scaramouche says as he snatches a popsicle from Kazuha's hand. 

"Hey look we said sorry how many times do we have to say it." Teucer says and cuddles close to Thanatos. which made Childe grow annoyed.

"alot Teucer. now lets forget the past and have fun guys!" Bennett pulls off his shirt and shoes and runs to the water. Razor watches him run to the water.

"Benny! You need sun screen first your gonna get burnt! Ugh BENNETT!" razor runs to the water and drags him out. "Ugh Razor let me Swim!" razor growls. 

"Wow Razor your sounding like a worried mom." Aether says and goes and sits down. "To bad we didn't bring the kids but we needed the break my sister loves the twins anyways so im glad she's able to watch them for a week." Xiao nods and lays his head on his shoulder. 

"I want a baby...." Teucer says out loud causing Childe to choke on his drink. 

"Absolutely not! Your only 17. and even if your 18 19 or in your 20s i will still say no!" Childe says in a angered tone.

"Ajax calm down. let your brother do what he wants you can't control him forever he has a boyfriend now and Thanatos and him are so in love and have settled. your gonna need to let your brother go." Zhongli says in a calm voice. and holds Childe close to him.

We laugh as Childe lets out a pouty whine of defeat.

"Hey Scaramouche you alright?" Scaramouche looks up at Kazuha and nods.

"Y-yea...im...fine. just tired from the long ride here." Scaramouche fixes his hat and walks off to the cottage and walks in Kazuha fallows and holds Scaramouche close. 

"Scara your face is pale you might have a fever lets go lay down ok Babe." Kazuha leads Scaramouche to a room and locks the door. 

"Now tell me Scara what's on your mind." He stays quiet but then finally speaks up.

"Kazuha. I feel like were all being watched and its bothering me. and i don't no how to feel. we saved the world The both of us are together again. everyone is happy but i feel like something is out of place not right... to be honest." Kazuha holds me close.

"Scaramouche if there is new danger we can face it together like last time, I'll be with you always and forever." they both smile and gently kiss each other. 

"Scara I-....!!! Watch out!" without a second thought a sword comes flying out of a portal and attacks us. we both run out of the room and out of the cottage and it seems we weren't the only ones who are being attack but our friends.

"what the hell there's more of them?" just then another sword slashes down at them and they move out of the way.

"Ugh damit your pissing me off!" Scaramouche growls in anger and body is surrounded in electricity and pulls out a sword. "Kazuha lets show them what were made of." he nods and we both start fighting. It lasted at least 6 minutes everyone was tiered and confused.

"I swear i saw these creatures before." Zhongli examines them. and Thanatos approaches as well.

" your not the only one I to recognize them as well. it might be one of the other gods then do you think?" they talk and think of a solution but to both of there knowledge couldn't think of anything and they all decided to call it a day. 


"Ah there you are Xiao what are you doing babe? you barely ever star gaze something on your mind." Xiao looks to Aether and smiles and softly kisses him. 

"Nothing is wrong babe just tired and wanted to get some fresh air." Aether hands Xiao a cup of tea and sits beside him and looks up at the sky. 

"your worried about what happened earlier aren't you im sure things will be alright even with out kids there with my sister and she would have called if anything would have happened." Xiao nods.

" yea its just...." without any warning Thanatos was throw from the window and a taller Women walks out with a angered look.

"So Zhongli and i where right it was you who sent those monsters. Cosmos. the goddess of Space." everyone comes running out and Teucer cries and runs over.

"Leave my boyfriend alone you jerk! ugh! cough..." Cosmos which was the women's name grabs Teucer by the neck and lifts him up by the neck. 

"So Thanatos you have grown weaker i see falling for a human as weak as this how dare you!" Thanatos growls. 

"Cosmos leave him alone! he's done nothing wrong. listen to me Sis leave him alone." she scoffs and slaps Thanatos.

"Don't you dare order me I'm your older sister and you obey me! but fine for this once i'll leave. but before i do." Cosmos places her hand on Teucer's chest and her hand starts glowing. Teucer's eyes widen and screams in pain and agony. 

"Wait Cosmos don't please!!!" Thanatos gets up fast but it was to late Cosmos throws Teucer's body at them and she smiles sadistically. wow such a beautiful glow. 

"What is that what did she do to my brother?!!!" Childe gets mad. 

"This is known as Life Force basically his soul. or well conscience." cosmos smiles. and puts it in a jar and it dissapears.

"So he's dead! you killed my brother!" Childe tears up and pulls out out his weapons.

"He's not dead its just think of it as him being in a coma. sigh now sis what deal do i have to make in order for you to return his life Force back?" she smiles. 

"Your Love for him. I want you to destroy it." Thanatos stood there it was either Teucer stays asleep and never wakes up or not being able to love him anymore." this is the hardest choice.


what will his decision be who knows until the next chapter! so how are you liking it so far? Teucer has more bad luck then Bennett dying in a way 3 times in these stories my gosh XDDDD. dont worry he'll be fine.

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