"Golden Apple Birthday Cake"

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Hey guys this is a one chapter only for Venti and Barbatos. Especially since I don't ever put these two in much of the 3 main stories here is a special one for them.

Also to clear up confusion I'll rename Venti's bard friend to Gale yes Gale=Wind.

"Happy birthday Venti!"


The summer breeze blew in waking me up to a sent of the Apple blossoms and dandelions. I sit up and noticed My boyfriend Gale wasn't here. I sat up in bed and looked at my naked body.

"I must of drank alot last night I hope I didn't hurt him." I got up and don't bother putting on clothes and walks down the stairs. I look around and see him in the kitchen I then get a whiff of something delicious.

"Hey Gale whatcha doing?!" I could tell I scared him cause he jumped.

"Wooh venti I uh um... nothing I...." He then pauses and looks at me and looks down and raises an eyebrow.

"Why are you still naked. Get dressed." I pout.

"Awww Gaaaale.... You no you like seeing me like this..." Gale stares at me.

"We have the same face and hair. Only difference is our height." He says that with a smirk on his face.

"So what are you making babe?" Gale sighs and looks to him.

"I'm making a cake I wanna try and give baking a go." I let out a soft giggle and hold him close and softly kisses him.

"I love you so much Gale.... I'm glad that we were reunited. This time we can spend our life together." Gale smiles.

"I'm make this cake for you by the way Venti today is your birthday or did you forget." Venti's eyes widen

"Wait you remembered my birthday after all these years?!" Venti tears up.

Gale pulls me in a embracing hug. And leans down and kisses me deeply.

"Also you might want to get dressed our friends are coming over to celebrate your birthday and will be here soon." Venti panics and runs and gets dressed.

"Could have told me sooner!!!!" Gale smiles and shakes his head.


A few minutes pass and our friends arrive.

"Happy birthday Venti!!!" Everyone shouted. I smile and see them holding gifts and food. I let them in as they sat down.

"Hey Venti we brought some games to play. Seeing as I am the best toy maker and seller." We all stare and groan at childe's remark...

"Alright we can play some games to make it more fun." Gale heads to the kitchen. I watch him and I go back to decide what to play Oh my god we should play 'Cards against humanity Genshin impact version' and we should do it drunk." I said in a laughing manner.

They agreed to it and so some of us drank and some of us didn't to help keep our sanity.

"We all began and started yelling at one point Aether read out a card and was to drunk that he started having trouble reading Xiao had to help him. The card said.

"Behold the 6th harbinger scaramouche title is known as the ____." Everyone places a card down some of us laughing.

Aether the. Flips over the cards and reads.

"Beholds the 6th harbinger scaramouche tile is known as

*The Toilet* 
*The bitchy attitude.*

"Ok who called me a midget which one of you fuckers put that card down..." We all started laughing.

"It was you wasn't it Childe. You son of a bitch." We kept laughing.

"It wasn't me I swear let's just hurry and we'll find out after."

Aether continued reading the last 2.

*Sexy and cute.* Ugh why...
*Do the fandango* ok now that's funny.

"Ok now Aether chose one..." Aether thinks about it and grabs the *midget*. One.

"This one." Scaramouche chokes on his drink and stands up.

"Ok games over which one of you mother fuckers did it." I then see Bennett trying to sneak away.

"Oh bennett where you going." Bennett freezes.

"Home before I get murdered by the midget." Everyone laughs.

"God damit Bennett!!!" Scaramouche growls razor blocks his way.

"Don't touch him scaramouche it's a game. Not his fault." Scaramouche sighs.

Kazuha holds him close. "Scaramouche calm down...if you want to no I was the one who put the sexy and cute one down." Scaramouche blushes...we all sigh.

Venti gets up. "I'll be back. Guys gonna check up on Gale." They start a round with out him...

"Hey Gale you alright?" Gale stays silent. And seems nervous.

"Well I wanted to wait and tell you this but I'm giving you your birthday gift early." Gale hands me a small wrapped box I open it and pull out a note.

"Happy birthday and blessings for your everyday. And hope to see you soon in 9 months. Love your soon to be baby." Venti then pulls out the rest and shirt that says soon to be sad on it. He tears up and drops everything and holds him tight.

"I...I thought you weren't able to have any kids Gale." Gale tears up as well.

"I talked to a doctor and helped extract my blood and dna it was alot of hard work but now I have a baby growing inside me our baby." Venti holds Gale close and kisses him. Then out of nowhere we herd clapping and cheering and see our friends celebrating and cheering for us.

"Congrats you guys." We stood there and blush. And smile.

"This is the best birthday I've ever had in a thousand years of my life...I'm glad to have friends like you all and a wonderful husband and soon to be baby as well."

"Oh by the way Venti the cake is done.  Take a look" everyone looks at it and mouth opens wide.

"Oh crap it's beautiful and so radiant and gold." Gale smiles.

"I search hard for these Golden Apples just for you venti. Hope you like it." With that we all continue to talk play games and eat the delicious cake.

"Thank you everyone...."


Well that's Venti story yea I no it's a bit odd but it was more to be cute we'll see yea later!

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