
26 1 2

Be prepared this Chapter will be sad Be warned.


Things are slowly taken a shift Nova was out there but we don't no what her plan is but we have been on watch. Thanatos was also on look out with Teucer being close to due date he wants to be sure no harm is to come to him and his daughter.

After a week Teucer gave birth to there daughter and they both were overjoyed everyone visited and congratulated us.

"Look at her shes perfect she has your eyes and my hair giggles and cute little horns." Teucer says and holds Tonia close. Thanatos smiles

"she's perfect." Thanatos smiles but looks down sadly.

"I'm just worried my mother will appear anytime to do something." Everyone nods

"But no matter what were here to help and protect you." Childe's says.

Thanatos nods. "Your right" they smile and get up.

"anyways it's late the nurse will kick us out soon we should head out." Zhongli says. As he puts on his coat everyone got up and also put there coats on.

"Well bye Teucer and Thanatos see yea." With that Teucer and Thanatos where alone with their daughter.

"You can't stop looking at her can yea babe." Teucer smiles happily.

"No I've been waiting so long to have our baby and here she is looking like us both." Thanatos smiles. And walks over to him and kisses him.

The nurse walks in and unhooks Teucer.

"Alright you are free to go home Mr Teucer." Teucer smiles and nods and gets changed and they go home.

A week goes by and Thanatos started distancing himself from Teucer. Which made Teucer concerned till finally Teucer asked the question.

"Hey babe I want to ask you something." Thanatos looks up at Teucer.

"Why have you been avoiding me and our daughter. D-do you....not love us...do you not love me?" Thanatos remained silent.

"I love you always and forever Teucer you and Tonia you both are my sunshine and world. I've been thinking of ways to keep you both safe. And I came up with a few ideas. And you won't be happy about it." Teucer looks worried.

"Thanatos your scaring me why are you saying weird things." Thanatos looks down and finally says it.

"I....I'm breaking up with you Teucer."

Teucer's face went white as a sheet. And I swear you could heart his heart shattering into pieces.

"Thanatos your joking please tell me you are! You can't we just had our baby girl and your leaving me we we're ment to be together always please sobs...don't..." Thanatos kisses Teucer and goes to Tonia's room where she was sleeping. And kisses her before teleporting away.

"Thanatos!" Teucer reaches out but misses him grabbing nothing but air.

"No...aaaa! Sobs...." Teucer screams and cries his heart out. Waking Tonia in a fright. He wasn't able to get up and help her with how broken he was. He called up Childe to help him.


After a bit Childe and everyone was told what happened. And let me tell you they where all pissed.

"If he thinks leaving you is a way to protect you and Tonia hell nah" Childe angerly says.

Teucer sat silently not able to say a word his eyes were faded face white he refused to eat he was mentally and emotionally broken. Childe and Zhongli had to take care of Tonia as well as there own kids and making sure Teucer didn't do anything stupid.

Occasionally Xiao Aether and everyone also helped out with babysitting Tonia.

3 weeks later

"I...wanna die...." Teucer finally spoke the first words in weeks but it was something none of them wanted to hear.

"Of Corse he would start thinking suicidal thoughts. Damit if he ever comes back I swear to god I'll..." Childe says angerly but Zhongli holds him...

"Calm down Ajax....were just gonna keep an eye on him."

A month passes.

It was 1 am Teucer gets out of bed and leaves the house heading to a building. And climbs up he walks to the edge and looks down. He closes his eyes.

"If I die that's it I'm gone forever." He takes a step forward but then hears a voice.

"Wow giving up your life? Guess my son left you serves you right. But sense he left you no point in attacking you but then again. You look so frail it'd be no fun to pick on something so weak." Teucer growls.

"Your the reason he left me your the reason my life is now in shambles." Teucer yells out in anger.

"Now now little boy. I have a deal you want him back right if so you have to join me I'll give you god like powers.. I promise you'll find him and when you do make sure he never leaves you again. Just one thing I want you to kill Cosmo's she's been lying and playing double spy as well as told my husband about what I've been trying to do he was furious and now wants my head." Teucer stood there.

He then nods and she smiles and with that she gives Teucer powers and eyes turn red and starts glowing... And teleports away.


Nova teleports in front of everyone.

"Eh heh heh hello everyone." Everyone backs up. Then suddenly Thanatos appears.

"There you are. ive been tracking you down. Once I kill you for good I can go back to Teucer and apologize to him." Childe gets mad.

"Like hell you are you broke him he hasn't ate in a month and now he's gone missing cause of you!" Thanatos looks over at Childe in shock.

"He's gone missing?!" Thanatos was taken aback.

Guys someone powerful is coming this w-ahhh!" Before Cosmo's could finish she was thrown against the wall and stabbed. Everyone eyes widen in shock and disbelief.

Standing there was Teucer radiating a red evil aura...and black armor like clothes.

"No way Teucer..." Thanatos was speechless.

Teucer then pulls out the sword and turns to Nova.

"Lady Nova I have taken Cosmo's out. What will you like me to do next?" Nova smiles. and looks at everyone. And then To Thanatos.

"Well your boyfriend is hear I bet you want to deal with him don't you." Teucer looks and sees Thanatos eyes widen and then turn to rage and anger. He dashes at him so fast no one was able to see.

"Ugh T-Teucer wait!." Teucer growls .

"Thanatos you jerk I'll never forgive you!!!!"

"Teucer.....I'm sorry. I love you no matter what."

Well here is this chapter so much happening Teucer is now the bad guy...will Thanatos win back Teucer's heart and trust and make him good or is this it?

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