Soundless Voice

33 1 6

Now be prepared for more chaos.

Forgive me.


"Wooh wait Zhongli what do you mean my sister lied and that Childe has no memory of Teucer. Damit that bitch tricked us." Teucer walked over to Childe.

"Ajax I'm your brother and don't say we aren't look in the mirror look we have the same face, hair and we have matching earrings. Oh how about this. It's Mr. Cyclops you made him for me long ago. Please Ajax..." Childe sadly looks down

"sorry. I don't remember but I do see we do look alike." Teucer arms hang down to his side and drops his Mr. he stands there.

"Ah ha ha ha oh how sad your big brother forgot all about you." Everyone looks over and sees Cosmo's. and get mad.

"Such a shame really what a useless thing to offer up. What an idio-" Teucer runs over and punches her and she falls on the ground. He then gets on top of her. And wraps his hands around her neck. And starts choking her.

"YoU... I'll KiLl yOu...." Teucer's face darkens with and starts having murderous intent.

"C-coughs...g-get off me you brat...." Cosmo's tries to break away but his grip tightens more.

"Coughs damit how is he so strong ugh..." Damit. Cosmo's pulls out a knife and stabs Teucer's arm he yells out in pain and she pushes him off and kicks him in the face.

"Dam bitch." Thanatos pulls her hair and holds up a knife to her neck

"Touch him I'll kill you myself." She growls and backs away.

"Fine  but before I go." Cosmo's grabs Kazuha by the hair.

"I'm taken your friend." We all jump up.

"Ugh scaramouche! Help!!!" Scaramouche panics and runs to them.

"Kazuha! You bitch let him go stop!" Before he could get a hit she disappears with kazuha.

"Scaramouche!!!" Scaramouche stands there eyes wide and in shock....he shakes angerly. As electricity surrounds his body in rage.

"AAAAHH!!! bring him back where the fuck are you bring him back!!!" Scaramouche stands there and falls to his knees.

We where speechless. First Childe and now Kazuha was taken and we don't know what's going to to happen with him.


A week passes.

Scaramouche sat there and doesn't eat or sleep he became a shut in. He wouldn't speak to any of us. Which wasn't normal we weren't able to locate the where Cosmo's could be hiding we kept trying and we won't rest until we do.

We all ended up going home scaramouche wasn't able to face his son and tell him. Instead he sent his son to stay with bennett and Razor for a bit and gave them money for food and clothes...he was to broken to face him. and tell him his mother is missing or worse dead.

Suddenly scaramouche gets a call from Xiao.

"Hey we found him but... sigh he looks like death..." With that he runs out of his house and heads to where they are.

"Kazuha! I- eh?!" Scaramouche stops dead in his tracks at the sight kazuha was bleeding gashes broken arm and basically looked like a zombie.

"Kazuha..... what the fuck did she do to you..." He runs over and holds him close.

"She'll pay....sobs kazuha...." Scaramouche holds his body in his arms and cries his heart out seeing his lover in serious condition.

Xiao clenches his fists angerly.

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